How would you handle this?

LOL Sdriver and whoever talked about BJJ,Muay thai, and karate...LOL

I'm almost spitting out my oatmeal.

All I am saying is that pulling out a knife in a crowded area = bad idea... someone else might also have a higher level of awareness and then things could get messy... Also, these guys could have been dirtbags, but that doesen't mean that they were robbers... two guys who are clever enought to have a whistle signal plan wouldn't pick a 6 foot plus dude to fuck with... They could have been trying to scalp tickets or something...

Anyway, I am glad that you and your family were OK in the end...

BTW, why a knife ISO mace? I would rather mace someone then gut them on a public street...


What will you do if he replies, "You ain't BAD"

OWWW!! like MJ himself and begins to fall into a dance routine with everyone else on the city street.

The moral of the story is "drink de-caf when traveling with wife and kids to the bank"

"OWWW!! like MJ himself and begins to fall into a dance routine with everyone else on the city street. " lol

Show some respect...the moral is, "Dat's howa Kenpo-nigga eat!"

I would say (in my best Christopher Walken impression)

"You, over there! Yes, you. You seem...confident. You're very...self assured, a real man about town. You seem the type of guy... who faces his problems... head on.

Well guess what, tough guy.


Then my adamantium claws would come out of my knuckles, and I would unleash my berzerker attack.

HonkeyStyle...The knife was never in view.  My left thumb goes into my left front pocket, then I ball my hand into a fist, with the knife in it.  The bad guys did have a higher level of awareness and saw I had something in my hand.  I think they could also sense that I was ready to attack, but of course only if it was appropriate.  I would only use the knife in a real emergency and only if outnumbered or a weapon was being used against me.  If I used the knife, things would get messy and that's something you need to be mentally prepared for.   

The knife is an extension of my martial arts and I'm pretty good with it.  Mace or  pepper spray is OK, but I prefer the knife.  The wind won't blow the knife back in my face or get on me if I have to wrassle with a bad guy.

I forgot who said it, but a wise man once said.  It's better to mistake a stick for a snake, than mistake a snake for a stick.

Gary Hughes

In other words...

"Its better to mistake a tattooed Mexican for a mugger, than it is to mistake a crazy, paranoid, knife-carrying, Kenpo practitioner for a vulnerable, unsuspecting white man standing in line at the ATM"

No offense or need to keep the blade ready in hand, I'm just playin around....

Gotta go to work!


LOL @ Jiujitsuwrestler!!

Gary, do you have a history of mental illness? Are you taking your full medication??

notoriousdog....this is for you!


I live in a city and I walk around like I own the joint and I'll tell you what, it gets me out of a lot of situations. I'm a short guy, only 5'5", but if you look confident, most thugs will pass on you for easier prey. Another thing that I do is call them on it. "Yo, what are you doing hanging out here?" It draws attention, so now everyone knows what they are up to. And for me they ususally cop an attitude and leave. There are always easier fish for them to fry.

A few comments however: If you are that nervous, leave. There are hundreds of ATM all over these days. But if you do leave, realize that you are inviting someone else to get it. I think that you have a responsibily to others to call the cops or a security guard.

Another comment is about the knife, I also carry a knife with me, but how would you use it. Is it worth going to jail for cutting these two numnuts over a couple of bucks? If they have no weapons won't you be in the wrong, don't you have an obligation to flee? If they do have weapons you're screwed anyway. One of the 1st things that I learned in BJJ self defense class is that if you are attacked with a weapon, just give them the money, it is not worth your life.

Just my two bits.

I enjoy Gary's posts. Thinking about situations like this before they happen will save your ass when the shit hit's the fan.

eyegore...sounds like you are a Type A personality.  I agree, predators aren't looking for a fight, they are looking for an easy victim or someone detached from the herd.

I wasn't nervous at all.  It all happened automatically.  I sized them up, kept them in sight and started planning what I would do.  I was very determined and a little angry that someone would try to rob me.

If 2 guys tried to rob me at an ATM, I would be justified in using the knife.  If 2 guys approached me to ask for the time and I stabbed them with my knife, I would have a problem.  I worked in law enforcement for 10 years and know what I can and can't do.  So what if I didn't use the knife and ended up getting my ass handed to me by the 2 guys or they had weapons that I didn't know about? 

Gary Hughes

MrZipplokk and KidJustice, thanks for your support!

You're response is legitimate. Back to the knife, how and when would you attack. Would the verbal threat that they would make be enough justification or would they have to physically touch you?

Just curious.

eyegore...a verbal threat would probably have to be followed by an attempt to grab or strike me in most cases.  However, I can't really answer your question, because every situation is different.  I would only use the force that was necessary, I would stop when I was safe.  I am a law abiding citizen.

If someone showed me a weapon (along with a threat), that would be good enough.  I definitely wouldn't wait until they tried to use their weapon.

Gary Hughes

The good point MrZipplokk makes, reminds me an old saying.  It's better to be judged by 12, than carried by 6.