How's Mayhem doing?

If he is going to be cutting to 170 I'd like to see him fight in WSOF. If you guys saw his match with Jacare in DREAM you know he won't tap to a heel hook. Phone Post 3.0

WithoutSpoilersdotCom - ^^ cant call him a friend then
Lol... that was a weird ending to the friendship. Phone Post 3.0

He's in Rampage's camp getting him ready for King Mo.

over it out

This monkey sincerely hopes jason has his marbles back.

He had a hard patch, and his every move was dissected on almost every form of media. I think people forget that these are real people. And real people have complicated lives sometimes.

Hope nothing but peace and a way to make a living for the man. Phone Post 3.0

I am done with MayheM. As a human, I hope he gets his shit together but as far as watching him fight I have absolutely ZERO interest. He is done imo worse than Steve Sax or Chuck Knoblauch...

LOL that video was awesome, perfect screaming from Mayhem at the end. If he could just be 210 or so and fairly ripped he'd be fine for pro wrestling, some of the guys aren't as big as you'd think. And he has the perfect nutcase mentality for it.

Mayhem v Shields rematch interesting.. Phone Post 3.0