How's Mayhem doing?

Any updates on Mayhem Miller?
He's my friend and Old Teammate, Just seeing if anyone know how he is.

Thanks in advance for any answers

He seems to be doing better , training these days, not focused about entertaining others at this point in life . Phone Post 3.0

i just saw another thread on another forum that rampage got him out of his slump and that he is doing great in training and pure mentally. It said he might be going back to 170 nxt fight cause he lost alot of weight(suppose to be in high 170's)

no link so don't know


Seen a vid of him and rampage practising their pro wrasslin in a ring Phone Post 3.0

ZombieAutoPilot - Seen a vid of him and rampage practising their pro wrasslin in a ring Phone Post 3.0
Post please? Phone Post 3.0

Dead President -
ZombieAutoPilot - Seen a vid of him and rampage practising their pro wrasslin in a ring Phone Post 3.0
Post please? Phone Post 3.0 Phone Post 3.0

I hope he's doing good! Always been a fan. First time I heard about the underground was from mayhem on the Ellis show back in 08. Mayhem Mondays! Phone Post 3.0

That was a great video. He SHOULD freakin' go into pro wrasslin. Why not? He's got an already-developed character. Just learn to take bumps. I'm all for it.

Storkukidinmun - That was a great video. He SHOULD freakin' go into pro wrasslin. Why not? He's got an already-developed character. Just learn to take bumps. I'm all for it.
I know nothing about pro rasslin, but isn't he a bit small? Phone Post 3.0

He is a bit small but they could work around that no problem. The original Dudley Boys had that tiny little fucker, weighed about a buck-60 soaking wet.

Lux Fixxins - 
uniquetechnique - Any updates on Mayhem Miller?
He's my friend and Old Teammate, Just seeing if anyone know how he is.

Thanks in advance for any answers
Such a good friend you had to ask how he's doing on an MMA forum? Phone Post 3.0

Lost contact with him when he left Vegas. His number changed but most of all he changed.

I gave the story here before when I last saw him at a UFC event. He was in a crowd of fans giving Autographs and also answering questions. I yelled across "Yo Mayhem!" About 5x,he finally saw me, started to come my way but the look on his face was like he wanted to kick my ass. I thought he was joking since he clowns around a lot, the closer he got, I looked at his eyes, then I just went the other way and that was that.

Hope Miller is doing better, mental illness is no joke

C_H_A_O_S - I hope he's doing good! Always been a fan. First time I heard about the underground was from mayhem on the Ellis show back in 08. Mayhem Mondays! Phone Post 3.0
Was directed here by JayMay too.

Glad to hear he's doing well. Looking forward to seeing him back in the ring/cage. Phone Post 3.0

Mike PyleDriver - 
Dead President -
ZombieAutoPilot - Seen a vid of him and rampage practising their pro wrasslin in a ring Phone Post 3.0
Post please? Phone Post 3.0 Phone Post 3.0


Bellator hopefully Phone Post 3.0

Lux Fixxins - 
uniquetechnique - Any updates on Mayhem Miller?
He's my friend and Old Teammate, Just seeing if anyone know how he is.

Thanks in advance for any answers
Such a good friend you had to ask how he's doing on an MMA forum? Phone Post 3.0

Dude you're a dick

Kazp306 -
dhughes -
WithoutSpoilersdotCom - ^^ cant call him a friend then

Don't be a turd.
Lol my friends dont do that Phone Post 3.0
You don't have any friends like Jason hahaha
I doubt anyone does Phone Post 3.0

I talk to Mayhem a lot. He's been training, seems really happy and seems to be in a good place. Phone Post 3.0

Adam Hunter - I talk to Mayhem a lot. He's been training, seems really happy and seems to be in a good place. Phone Post 3.0
Thanks for the update. VU Phone Post 3.0