Hughes says YES!


Buck 65 - LOL @ thinking this means Hughes hasn't been ducking the AKA guys for years. He wanted nothing to do with Koscheck, Fitch, or Swick, when all of them called him out. The only reason he accepted this fight is because he was in a position where he pretty much had to, or he'd look like the biggest punk ever pulling out of a fight when there's nothing wrong with him.

Evidence of this? If you don't know this to be true or can't show evidence of it then stop saying it. Do you really think Hughes would duck Swick?! LOL at that. In fact the evidence goes the other way Hughes takes fights on short notice to help out the UFC (ALves in the UK). Dana White is on record numerous times saying that Hughes has never turned down a fight. Just because the AKA guys were calling Hughes out doesn't mean that the UFC asked Hughes to do it. The only thing Hughes has said about it publicly was wondering why they were calling him out instead of the champion (a good question).

Josh went to Jared?

Country fucking breakfast

Jay7 - 
Buck 65 - LOL @ thinking this means Hughes hasn't been ducking the AKA guys for years. He wanted nothing to do with Koscheck, Fitch, or Swick, when all of them called him out. The only reason he accepted this fight is because he was in a position where he pretty much had to, or he'd look like the biggest punk ever pulling out of a fight when there's nothing wrong with him.

Evidence of this? If you don't know this to be true or can't show evidence of it then stop saying it. Do you really think Hughes would duck Swick?! LOL at that. In fact the evidence goes the other way Hughes takes fights on short notice to help out the UFC (ALves in the UK). Dana White is on record numerous times saying that Hughes has never turned down a fight. Just because the AKA guys were calling Hughes out doesn't mean that the UFC asked Hughes to do it. The only thing Hughes has said about it publicly was wondering why they were calling him out instead of the champion (a good question).

You can call someone out all day,
that doesn't mean the fight paperwork was in front of them and they refused to sign it.

I'll hope for Koscheck. Then we'd have 2 people in the Octagon looking for a finish...and I'm not talking about Herb Dean hoping for an early night either.

Another thing about them calling him out in 2009 is he was saying he wanted big names. Swick still isn't a big name and was even less so then. Kos wasn't as well known then as he is now. His coaching on TUF and fight with GSP upped his profile a lot.

Hughes fighthing any of those guys really didn't make that much sense at the time. Both Kos and Fitch were working towards a title fight and Hughes was stepping back from title contention. Kos needed to fighting fellow contenders in elimination fights and Hughes needed to be fighting fighters similar status. It makes more sense for them to fight now because Kos really isn't working towards a title shot anymore and he's upped his status.

id rather see Koscheck who IMO would be the tougher fight



Yep. Hughes fought GSP 3 times, BJ Penn 3 times, and an Alves who was on a tear, but he's afraid to fight Fitch who couldn't beat GSP or Penn or Koscheck who couldn't beat GSP either time, or Swick...fucking Mike Swick? GTFO. That's just nonsense.  

I'm sure Hughes would have given it more consideration if Paulo Thiago hadn't came in and clowned 50% of their stars.