Hughes says YES!

On his twitter and website Hughes says that he has said yes to fighting either Koscheck or Fitch.

So much for those that say Hughes has been ducking them.

WAR Hughes!

Hughes has never ducked anyone and fears no man, even this late in his career when he will be a considerable underdog. Respect. Phone Post


Who would you prefer him to fight?

Would rather see him fight Koscheck I remember him calling out Hughes a while back.

HArdcore move by hughes.

Maybe he upped his (already awesome) sub game while training with BJ.

Should be a great fight.

I would be rooting for Hughes over Fitch, 50/50 with Koscheck.

Still think either one is going to be a hard fight for Hughes at this point in his career but you have to give props to Hughes who takes on allcomers.

A Country Boy Can Survive!



I'd love to see Hughes take on Hallman again.

LOL @ thinking this means Hughes hasn't been ducking the AKA guys for years. He wanted nothing to do with Koscheck, Fitch, or Swick, when all of them called him out. The only reason he accepted this fight is because he was in a position where he pretty much had to, or he'd look like the biggest punk ever pulling out of a fight when there's nothing wrong with him.

Just what Hughes needed at this point: A good guy/bad guy match where he plays the good guy.

Kru Hughes is going to run a Muay Thai clinic on that mop-headed Fraggle.

fackin' hughes!


Let Fitch retire him!!! Phone Post

it's ironic now that Hughes says YES

RESPECT. That's a very hard fight for him.

I said Wow!

she said when?

I said how about right now?

 He's got balls. I say wrestling is even, so that cancels out. That means edge to Koschek on the feet.  And I like Hughes.