Hunter Campbell calls JBJ v. Stipe is the biggest fight in Heavyweight history

If it wasn’t already obvious, Hunter is going to one day replace Dana white. He will be the next president of the UFC

So of course he would make this dumb ass claim

The story of how Jon Jones vs Stipe Miocic was made in the back of a car in a parking lot 😭#UFC #MMA

— Championship Rounds (@ChampRDS) June 10, 2024

Literally no one is asking for this fight. No one at all


I dont want the fight BUUUUUT…Stipe is arguably the GOAT HW in the UFC and Jon is the GOAT GOAT

They’re going to pound that to death


The little 3 part reality show was a pretty cool behind the scenes of how the UFC does business. It’s streaming for free on Roku.

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Just reading the tea leaves from that show Dana isn’t quitting anytime soon, btw.

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He’ll be like bob arum


Nice…i seen clips…what app?

Dana is too egotistical to leave the UFC.
Hes a diva who loves being in the spotlight.


UFC 100, Lesnar vs. Mir had every bar in my town full and everyone talking.

Other than that, I honestly can’t think of what was actually the most ‘hype’ heavyweight fight… No one I knew cared about DC… Randy Couture was before it went mainstream… Any Stipe fight had minimal hype…

He might actually be right in terms of UFC and word of mouth.

You have roku? It’s a streaming platform like the fire stick. I’m sure it’s other places as well.

Edit- just read it’s a UFC roku exclusive.

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Makes sense why they are hanging onto the fight so hard and holding up the division.

They are pot committed to “Hunter putting together this fight and is so fucking cool”, so they are putting up with all the Jon bullshit cheat/coward/unreliable shit because this fight is so freaking amazing!

Fuck all that shit, this shit is wack

Tom is champ and Pavlovich probably KOs Jon and Stipe in about 2 rounds the same night


Jon makes Pavolich look silly.

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This fight is going to be like Ngannou vs Velazquez. Stipe is going to go in injured and old and get finished within one round by the fresher Jon Jones.

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Ill check it out

We will never know
Jon only wants retired HWs or HWs coming off losses

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Stipe vs Jones isn’t even as good as Stipe vs DC. Seriously. At least Stipe and DC were sort of fresh and at the top, at the time. Stipe vs Jones might have been interesting FOUR YEARS AGO when they started talking about it. Today, it’s just four year old milk.


Stipe got KOed very badly and hasn’t fought since, real talk.

Jon chose a guy coming off devastating live changing KO as his legacy fight before retirement…lol

That loss was 4+ years ago and there is a reason he didn’t fight since, his brain got wrecked that fight

Also fuck the APEX, that battle of high level HWs happened in the garage in front of 56 people

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3 years not 4

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