HypnoFighter.com Launched

After years of research I put together some of the hypnosis sessions I have been using in my training on HypnoFighter.com. I have found these sessions have really helped my game, as well as my training state of mind.

I currently have 5 programs up:

Take Downs, Dominant Position, Submissions,Technique Retention, and Desire to Train.

I am about to record; Ring of Power for Tournament Performance, Getting past Injuries, and Food for a Healthy Fighter. You can download "Dominant Position" for free here:


It is best listened to when going to bed. Please let me know what you think.


P.S. I can also take requests...

I am going to go play that recording in a moving vehicle!

Listening to my "How to Drive while Hypnotized or Sleeping" session first may increase your chances of survival, Dougie. ;)

I crashed my car this morning!

I woke up in a corn field!

Yes. But were you on top of the corn when you woke up? If so, can I use that as a testimonial for the "Dominant Position" session?

...I was on top of the car, if that helps...

wow those recordings were great... good job Hypno = )

Nice job there ReDefined. You can count on my support as soon as I get the damn mastercard paid down a bit. Christmas and all.

Food for a Healthy Fighter is one that I would definately be interested in. Thanks!

sounds like a waste of money

I have found that mind set has a great deal to do with my progression. And affirmations and visualization plays a key role in getting "in the zone" before a competition, match, or even a grading.

Keeping focus while putting together a mental plan can be challenging with everything going on your life, so adding some structure to the process can assist greatly. That was my aim when creating the sessions on HypnoFighter.com, making it easy to improve elements of people's games, keeping them motivated to train, and increasing their progression.

I have spent hundreds and hundreds of dollars on gear, books, privates, seminars, and learning materials to progress in my training. Spending 10 bucks to fill a hole or add an element seemed to me to be a very reasonable cost for the benefit.

These sessions work for me and most certainly help with my game. I put up "Dominant Position" for anyone to try for free. But I am happy to take it a step farther, if you download another program on the site, try it 4 or 5 times and you see no change in your game, I will refund your 10 bucks.
