I am cock

I support Wand. If he is cock like cock is cock but or watever I just want to say I too am cock like cock nut.

Support wand! Sign this thread of you are a cock nut. Phone Post 3.0

Gullible since '93. Phone Post 3.0

Can't possibly be any worse a driver than that Danika Patrick or whatever chick that is so bad.

Did Calo actually get a spinoff thread from his wanderlei interview? Phone Post 3.0

Who is superCalo? I read Tatame. Phone Post 3.0

Since93 - ^ your no cock, get out of this thread ! Phone Post 3.0
*you're Phone Post 3.0

iPhone assholes. I type fast and accept all corrections. I don't use correct punctuation when on my phone. So fuck yuse. Phone Post 3.0