I am mad at the world. That includes you!


I might be interested in such an offer...

ndenis - Boxing!

I might be interested in such an offer...

 Hit me up on email Nick!  hirschjake@gmail.com

Not a ton of dough...but might be a great way to keep active!

jkennedy - 
Sean Quinn - Sorry dude, i would love to, but I'm washing my hair that day and then I think I might be suffering from a pulled vagina. 
Something like that. Except more like torn AND avulsed. : (




get back to me when you can friendly friend

Im mad at you too Denis.

Oh man look at this Denis guy rubbing his health all up in your grill Sean. He just cockblockboxed you. Daaaaaaamn whats next? Robins gonna steal your room and Doerksons gonna steal your Fiance and LittleKang might be looking to steal your unwashed undergarments?

Big Scared Rig

Oh man look at this Denis guy rubbing his health all up in your grill Sean. He just cockblockboxed you. Daaaaaaamn whats next? Robins gonna steal your room and Doerksons gonna steal your Fiance and LittleKang might be looking to steal your unwashed undergarments?

Big Scared Rig

Why are you mad Sean? Is it cause you have a small man-package?

 No. That is not why. My small man package is glorious and brings me much enjoyment on a daily basis.

be happy.
be happy.

 How is lfe goin Mr Black?

Life is good. Back to training after a week off. Doin lotsa fun MMA stuff. Girl's awesome and dog's funny. All groovy.

Why for are you mad? Did the world screw ya?

Im just mad at the world. You know how it is.

But what about the olympics? WHAT ABOUT THE OLYMPICS?

 Winter Olympics = teh sux.

Summer Olympics = less sux than teh winter Olympics which = teh sux


Youre all a bunch of fucking idiots. Go to hell.