I am mad at the world. That includes you!

 Thought you assholes should know that i am currently mad at you. Fuck you.

Thanks for keeping me up to date, asshole.

Fuck you, too!

I'm not pissed off at you, because your name color reminds me of Pepsi Lime, which is no longer available.

 Show up at my door and it's AAALLL over...

Seriously, fuck you.

You are an angry little guy, aren't you?

 Yes. Im having a bad year and its everyone's fault but ny own.

Try eating your own weight in Pez candy.

I'm not a doctor but I play one on the interwebs and I think this might help you. 

While Pez is soothing and good for the soul, eating your entire weight in Pex would be orgasmic. (and leave you feeling full)

HOpe things get better for you bud!

You better believe it Mark. But not entirely your fault. Everybody else has to accept responsibility for their part as well.

Sean Quinn - You better believe it Mark. But not entirely your fault. Everybody else has to accept responsibility for their part as well.

 hey Quinnster...I have a sweet little boxing match over here in Calgary that pays fairly decent well.  You should consider it....you can punch out all your frustrations.

keep cryin quinn

But Quinn your girl is ranked #1 in the CIS?? WTF???

Hajar being ranked#1 doesn't make me hate you guys any less.
Now tell me more about this boxing match?!?!

Kennedy you can't fight. I thought we discussed this.


maybe its because you havent accepted my video game challenge

Sean Quinn - Hajar being ranked#1 doesn't make me hate you guys any less.

Now tell me more about this boxing match?!?!
Steve Claggett

20 years old

5 feet 9 inches


5-0-1 (1 KO)

March 6th in Calgary homie.

UNIDO Sports Management - 
Sean Quinn - Hajar being ranked#1 doesn't make me hate you guys any less.

Now tell me more about this boxing match?!?!
Steve Claggett

20 years old

5 feet 9 inches


5-0-1 (1 KO)

March 6th in Calgary homie.

Sorry dude, i would love to, but i wont be ready by March 6. I really would love to box though. : ( 

See, more reasons i hate you guys and the year 2010.


 Robin Black approves does not approve of this thread.