Pacman already agreed to do blood test before and after the fight, he doesn't want his training disrupted by random drug tests in another country and doesn't care for frivolous bullshit
mayweather is scared and looking for a way out
Well i guess when he's such a clearly inferior fight to floyd he can't afford any disruptions
floyd's so good, obviously nothing could disturb him or cause him to perform badly
Floyd is scared. If they resolve this, he'll think of another reason not to fight, something with weight or financial probably
think about it, pacman agreed to do a blood test before the fight at a set time, which shows he has nothing to hide
yet this is still not enough for mayweather. pacman is just tired of playing stupid games and rightly so
mayweather is being pathetic at this point
fuck this garbage
this is what boxing is reduced to. They are going to do all this back and forth bullshit so they stay in the headlines
When do you see this in MMA? MMA fighters sign the contract and the fight goes as planned. It doesnt have any of that boxing bullshit politics
this is why mma is better than boxing
"Mayweather's promoter, Richard Schaefer, said he was willing to try and reach a consensus between the two sides. He cited comments by Pacquiao's trainer, Freddie Roach, that Pacquiao would agree to blood tests up to five days before the fight as possible middle ground.
"If we could agree to a 3-day cutoff I would try to sell that to my side," Schaefer said. "If Arum wants to walk away then he is going to be the one responsible for this fight falling apart."
Roach told The Associated Press on Tuesday night that he would not allow Pacquiao to be tested the day before the fight, but would agree to giving blood if there was a cutoff date."
mayweather doesn't demand a drug test right now, he wants the test CLOSER to the fight date, which makes no fucking sense
do research