I dont Always...But when I do...


Came across a bunch of these while looking for something else...i lol'ed.

Disclaimer : I did not create these!


 LULZ were had!

Need a Chael Sonnen:

I don't always lose, but when I do it's to a triangle......

 The Aoki guy one is AWESOMER!!!

 Great find!!

Hello Japan and dos santos are the best ones

D241 -  Great find!!

Hello Japan and dos santos are the best ones

 I don't see a Dos Santos one??? :-(


The Dos Santos one is total epic win.


 In, this is going to get good quick, hahahahaha

I like the Brian Bowles one.......clever

ZJJitsu705 - The Dos Santos one is total epic win.


I don't see the Dos Santos one....someone repost in a different way please!!!!!

Need some originals! Do your work, UG


None of these are mine, but damn these are fucking funny!



Chimonos Revenge - Need some originals! Do your work, UG

Thank you for making me get my ass up for the expo. Funnest weekend of my life? Phone Post


xiBLacKouTix - 
Chimonos Revenge - Need some originals! Do your work, UG
Thank you for making me get my ass up for the expo. Funnest weekend of my life? Phone Post

told you