I dont Always...But when I do...

CajunPest - 
MightMakesRight -
What the story behind this? Phone Post

RIP Kimo


Ronin Burgundy - 



That Wallid Ismael was genius.

Nice one. Phone Post


Thx Bruv.

sideshowsteve666 -  


Gold Jerry!

46and2 - 
sideshowsteve666 -  The Wallid one got me IP banned from the meme generator site! lol, guess it was the cocquefaggit reference

My first interwebz banning ever.  I feel so.. so.. ALIVE!!!

I just tried to make one there, and it says I am banned.

Ive never ONCE been to that site before.


Edit: This was troll.me
same site for me! I made the wallid one and the kirik one there last night.  Mind you, I was at a coffee shop when I saw the banned thing this morning. maybe it'll be different back at home...


Tom O'Bedlam -  Sideshowsteve666-

That Wallid Ismael was genius.

Nice one. Phone Post

 thanks brudda!

For later Phone Post

These are all fucking UG gold! Subbed! Phone Post

Mix6APlix - OK 10er cajun. I'll hit you with the knowledge:

The queer looking midget in the photo is Beau Taylor. AKA: OMA™. He made a post about Kimo (Leopoldo) aka the man who first gave Royce a real fight saying that he had died. I forget if it was natural causes or a meth overdose. Either way, the UG ate it up. As did other MMA websites. So much so, that TMZ picked up on it, and reported it as fact. It was all bullshit, just like anything OMA™ has ever posted about holing bar skanks or his golden midget baby cock. He was arrested shortly thereafter on some charges of picking up a hooker or raping a field mouse. Don't worry, the mouse felt nothing. The picture is his mugshot. Your welcome.

That about sums it up.

Awesome! Sub.


Good shit. keep'em coming

Nakedwelshman -  

 There's some brilliant ones in this awesome thread but this is my fav. LMFAO! It looks sooo gay hahaha

I dont always ttt, but...


The inferno match, goldie, and wallid are fucking awesome.

Goldberg FTW!