I dont Always...But when I do...


Blue por favor

EatItPal - blue please


Ronin Burgundy - http://i56.tinypic.com/345mwxl.jpg

Blue por favor


horse meat overeem

How in the world has no one done a Shamrock one? "I'm not always one of the world's most dangerous men, but when I am, I'm at least the 16th."

Brian Rule - <img src=http://i87.photobucket.com/albums/k142/brr9q/i-dont-always/i-dont-always-anderson-chael.jpg>

lol! at that pic


OnlyTheStrongSurvive -


If any blues can help with this, it'd be greatly appreciated guys.



chauda - If any blues can help with this, it'd be greatly appreciated guys.


 LOL @ the Barkley one


This is the best thread eva Phone Post

wow im late

NakedWelshMan, all of those made me fucking LOL! The Koscheck one was great.

Actually, rocking out as a team was pretty great too.

And thus an EPIC thread is born.