I dont Always...But when I do...

Love this thread! Phone Post

Chimonos Revenge -  
Hahaha yesssss!!!! Phone Post

TTT, great thread! !!

 waiting....for......Jones....I don't always......

IamOwnedbyUGCTT_Benwahwah -  waiting....for......Jones....I don't always......
What I was checking for too... Phone Post

Oh god.....this thread is going to come back to life thanks to jones! Phone Post

i saw this get bumped and thought for sure we already had a bones gif up

son i am disappoint

Garv -  
For Quad

Fucking gold Phone Post


MMAxNate -



Steve4192 -
MMAxNate -


lol I knew something like this was coming when I saw this thread bumped Phone Post

MMAxNate - http://i1084.photobucket.com/albums/j417/funrunner66/socrazy.jpg


The Jones ones are priceless.

Hillarious Phone Post

Mans thread Phone Post

I don't always say UFC can trust me not go get DUI.... But I prefer to get one after

I don't always get a DUI... But when I do I was drinking dos santos Phone Post

Gnarly219 -  So it turns out that Shitdog actually did this thread 1st, back in September, which is where I found a majority of the ones for the first page. But I've been holding back on posting this one, as it's by far the most fucked up one I've seen so far...

This is just not right. The others are funny this is fucked up. Phone Post

I demand a Cody mckenzie guillotine pic! Phone Post

Blue please.
