I dont Always...But when I do...

Excellent! Thank you for a great thread. Phone Post  

Jesus Christ sub! Phone Post

 I am absolutely dying. These are way too entertaining!!

Subbed Phone Post

Here's one, Dana white: I don't always tell the truth

But when I do, "well see what happens" Phone Post

In. Best thread on the UG in a minute. Phone Post

Chimonos Revenge - <img src="http://troll.me/images/harold-howard/im-not-always-coming-on-but-when-i-do-i-come-on.jpg" alt="" /> 

ttt for howard hughes

. Phone Post

Love these! Phone Post

Lets not argue, gentleman.

The entire nature of this thread is to avoid the bullshit bickering that goes on on every other thread on the UG!!

Time for some lols!

. Phone Post


Can someone make a bisping one for this:

"I don't always hit people...

...But when I do it's not very hard" Phone Post


Epic thread is epic.

ILike2EatPoop - I don't always race my ferrari... but when I do...Too soon?

Yes. The UG MOB would rip your ass!

Big EP - [IMG]http://i855.photobucket.com/albums/ab112/austinmma/James-Toney.jpg[/IMG]



 The Goldberg one had me in tears! You sir deserve a medal!