I don't want to Anderson buddy up to Palhares

I like Anderson he is p4p #1 and an amazing talent to watch, I don't believe he ducks anyone but this "i'm friends with such and such" stuff that always makes things seem complicated has got to stop if Palhares is a contender now or at some point.

I Know Massenzio isn't even a top 10 guy so it might be a while until he might fight Anderson but.

Please no stories about how he's a buddy of his, even if he is or not.

I don't want to hear about it because it would be a great fight.

LOL great thread title.

Seriously shut the fuck up.

u know anderson is bringing paul harris into his next camp.

cuz Dana and Zuffa totally wont put a fight together cuz Anderson says he's friends with so and so...

I agree, it would suck if we never got to see them fight just because they became friends. And Deaf? Don't be such a piece of shit.

He's sending out the segal spy as we speak Phone Post

Wasa-B - cuz Dana and Zuffa totally wont put a fight together cuz Anderson says he's friends with so and so...

I'm sure they don't but it's just seems like people use it as a way to bash Anderson.

Its annoying and just makes things seem like theres insinuation when we hear about so and so is friends with anderson after each of his fights and that means such and such.

Its annoying

Seagal* Phone Post

Deaf Forever - Seriously shut the fuck up.

I'm bashing the overzealous media and drama fags that want to bash fighters.

Read something

I should have worded the title differently but I thought I was gonna run out of space

DeRanker - He's sending out the segal spy as we speak <img src="/images/phone/apple.png" alt="Phone Post" border="0" style="vertical-align:middle;"/>
