Oh and, Im not proud of catching my buddy(he gets me just as often) its that I achieved almost a Zen sorta state. I was completely calm, and Im feeling like I "get it"(bjj), moreso than even a few months ago. Does anyone have a similar experience where they pulled off a difficult move while 100% calm, and sorta understood BJJ a little better?
There is no normal rate for how long it takes someone to pull off moves in practice. People have different styles and attributes. In fact there are plenty of people who can do triangles but never do them and prefer working other moves for one reason or another. Just be proud and keep training. Don't overthink things. Just keep training. You are doing fine.
Thanks for the support guys. I mainly focus on shoulder locks and armbars, I'm the best at shoulder locks(all kinds) among the other guys with 1 year of experience, but now I can legit do triangles! It took me so long to pull ut off, but now I have the path down.
It kinda feels like when I used to skateboard, and learn a new trick no one else among my peers has pulled off yet. Im not bragging, but pulling this off so perfectly made me feel good, got me a compliment from Crosley, made me recognize how far Ive come(sometimes it looks like Im standing still or barely inching ahead, because all the 1 year guys around my size are roughly equal to me in JJ, but they all focus on certain types of moves like I focus on shoulder locks and armbars), and gave me more motivation. Im gonna work on shifting my main attack from shoulder locks to something else from now on. Maybe guillotine.
Triangle is one of the only submissions I have pulled off. My legs are proportionally much stronger than my arms so it just feels more natural. Plus I like the aesthetics of the triangle so I often visualise it and I swear this makes it easier. Usually just get my guard passed when I attempt it though. Have not been able to secure a single choke with my arms/hands as far as I recall!
I'm at about 15 months and just within the last couple months started finishing subs against other white belts who have been around as long as me. Obviously it doesn't work against the upper belts lol.
Also, we just got a few new students over the last few months who are sticking around and I have actually got to see my progress. Although these guys have been younger and stronger, they lack any knowledge and in 5 min matches I'm getting any sweep/pass/sub I go for....it's a great feeling after getting my ass whooped for over a year.
I've been training for over four years, and a triangle is probably my rarest submission, I've hit maybe three or four while rolling, even though I've often been in that arm in/arm out position quite a bit. I have short legs, so its hard for me to lock it in.
I think my proudest moment was when I first hit a bow and arrow :D
Jiujitsu loves all body types. My guess is your skinny with long legs. Congrats. Took me 12 years to master the triangle. Some submission s are easy. Some are difficult. Depending on experience and body types. Also belt level of opponent is a factor
Jiujitsu loves all body types. My guess is your skinny with long legs. Congrats. Took me 12 years to master the triangle. Some submission s are easy. Some are difficult. Depending on experience and body types. Also belt level of opponent is a factor
Nah. Im stocky actually. Large upper body(and long, I have trouble finding shirts that cover my entire stomach actually lol), average length legs(large, as in muscular, but not long), average length-SLIGHTLY long arms. Thats my own self diagnosis but everyone has told me Im stocky. I'm not really "built" for triangles the way some guys are like one of my friends whose extremely skinny but very tall with long limbs. Hes very weak tho. One body type is good at triangles but bad at certain jointlocks(like my tal skinny friend) but I'm the opposite, triangles are hard for me but joint locks are easy(easy to finish if I get the position I mean, nobody has powered out of a shoulder lock from me before, or armbar. They've slipped out of a armbar several times before tho).