I had no idea John Machado was such a badass

Who's got the video?

 He's a BJJ Black Belt..you don't get one of those without being a badass...


That was a multi-hundred dollar project!

I think I actually have a DVD where the Machado's fight in it somewhere.

I rented it about 5 years ago.

That vid captures almost all the greatness of the movie.

I need to get that dvd. 

that was awesome

I've actually seen this entire film.

If you've seen it all i can say is meow.

White347LX - I rented it about 5 years ago.

That vid captures almost all the greatness of the movie.

+1 and yes, MEOW!


ttt for the gay porn title to a non porn movie.

 so bad yet so good

dude anyone who is anyone should play the drinking game to this,you ll be drunk 20 minutes in.

Saku12 - ttt for the gay porn title to a non porn movie.

Someone asked John Machado a question about the movie at a seminar I was at in Minnesota and he just started laughing. He basically said they just got a bunch of friends together with whatever equipment they could scrounge up and made the movie mostly for fun and to learn the process. He had a good sense of humor about it.

 Awesome :-)

INDK - Who's got the video?

I own the DVD and have lent it out plenty. I even managed to sit through it twice! I tried to watch it with my dad when he was visiting, and he actually hit me.

Brazilian Brawl is one of the best movies of all time. Realize, when I say one of best movies of all time, I mean great!

They lit a doll house on fire, used the same room with different tablecloths to represent different rooms such as a bedroom, restaurant, Sherrif's station,etc. and had the best acting this side of Tahiti.

4.7 stars out of 5. A must see for any true MMA enthusiast.

I have this movie

I love how all the bad guys keep resurrecting and keep coming.


 the book was better

Ive owned that DVD for years... everyone should watch it.... once