I love boxing. I'm making EASY money.

Being in Southern California with so many Mexicans here, fight after fight I've gotten even odd bets taking Manny over Mexican fighters, literally made thousands to date. Tonight is going to be such easy money again. I got a whole couch full of Mexicans betting me straight up odds against Floyd, LMAO. The fight is still hours away so I'll be making even more before it's all over.

I can't stand Floyd but this fight is going to be very easy for him. Ortiz gets hits far too easy, doesn't have the defense to be even competitive tonight. Half of these people here barely heard of Ortiz but gotta go against the "brotha"

As long as Floyds hands don't break, it'll be an easy night. Anybody see the Ortiz highlight video on espn.com? It Ortiz getting knocked down over and over, lol.

Anybody else set to make big money tonight on this?

yeah that is easy money, dudes are silly giving you even odds, Pride is a thing. those dudes are gonna be pissed when Ortiz can't land a shot for consecutive rounds. I don't like Floyd either, but you gotta like dudes giving you even odds LOL.

Yeah it happens all the time when a big fight happens. You got people getting excited for a fight, and while at the get together they want to make it more exciting, the alkie is flowing, such easy prey. haha. I'm confident you can get even odds on nearly any main event ppv fight.

Not as easy as I thought = )

Had to get in a big argument before collecting my money.

How much did you make? Phone Post