My fingers are getting really deformed. I have been training for 3 years and my fingers look like I am getting arithritis!!! Chics used to compliament me on how pretty my hands were too.
My fingers are really bad, but my coach's are beyond beliefe. You have never seen anything like them. lol
I am not quiting either!!! Thank God I am already married. I noticed my right ear is look kinda of bumpy too. BUT I GOT A DAM GOOD HALF GUARD!!!
It must be worse with the gi. Mine aren't so bad.
manicures man manicures
yep. I feel ya. I can barely type this.
857 posts and a member since 09/26/2001, you must really have a hard time typing :)
I went through a period when my fingers hurt all the time. They seem much better now. I'm not sure if it's because I just quit going for chokes as hard or all the fish oil and other supplements I'm taking.
shoes ain't the answer - they'll lead to additional stress on the knee...
I've been grappling for 20+ years and my hands have gone through various stages of pain and deformity. Using Fish Oils appears to have helped me but don't expect instant results.
my fingers just hurt all the time.
Try not to use the gi so much when you roll. I stopped using the spider guard and other types of guards that required so much gi grips.
My fingers were becoming deformed too, not to mention I had a couple break. Try to roll as if you were fighting no gi.
Except for the use of the collar choke there are ways to avoid depending on the gi.
Next time I take pics I'm going to show you the grip that Marcelo Garcia recommends in order to avoid injury to the fingers. I wish he would have told me that before my last finger break. :(
I keep dislocating my pointer finger on my right hand, and that knuckle's starting to look bigger than the same knuckle on the other hand... Damit...
That and I keep hyperextending/dislocating/breaking my big toes...
use wd 40 on your hand,thats what i heard
My wife calls me Shrek Hands
TTT for andre showing Marcelo's grip
My doc says I've blown the joints and fluid is leaking into the surrounding tissue - going interstitial. If you squeeze the joint from the sides and there is no pain, it's likely just leaking fluid from stress on the joints. If it hurts, it could be the beginning stage of osteoarthritis - see your doctor. Either way - aspirin is pretty cheap, and it may prevent a future heart attack for some of you. It's win-win.
"Seriously, what causes the pain/disfiguration?
Is it having your grip on the gi broken, that sort of thing? Although I can't see gripping with the toes . . ."
In the fingers, the tops of the fingers (top knuckles) start getting calluses (when training with the gi) ... this doesn't hurt, just looks ugly.
The pains come when fingers get caught in weird positions while twisted in the gi and as you say, when you have your grip broken ... and the occasionaly noob idiot who thinks bending your finger backwards is a good way to get out of a choke while forgetting that I could be smashing his face in while he's doing that.
The toes get calluses from mat burns typically due to shoots. And they get twisted the wrong way once in a while on sticky mats but that's rare.