I love Nick Diaz

Seriously. The guy is a fuckin' joy to watch fight. I normally don't like shit talkers but he's won me over.

If you "beat" him, he still tries to kick your ass afterwards.

He tells shit exactly how it is.

And most of all, he's a gamer. That dude will fight anyone. No stalling, just good old fashion TECHNICAL fighting.

Nick Diaz RAWKS!


LOL Joe.

I have to admit, I always look foward to his fights. He's firece, durable, technical, and aggressive.

Nick Diaz is entertainment!!

i agree 100%.. a diaz fight will always be unreal.

Im a fan.

Old school throw back


Phil B

ND fighting is awesome. I'm always excited for his fights. Nick Diaz is
great for the sport!

Nick fucknig Diaz is a fucking joy to fucking watch....fucking kid is fucking great!!!

Nick Diaz is the fucking man.

Good fighter but will get destroyed in the rematch.

Brian, you still going to fight Kimbo?

i love how he drops the F bomb like most people say HI..have known the
kid for a while now and he still blows me away

TTT! 4 Diaz

Anyone who uses chronic for enhancing their firghting is kick-ass in my book.

I also thought it was great when he knocked out Lawler and taunted him during the fight!!(Classic shit!)

"He aint no Bitch."

No, no he is not.

I've never trained a day in BJJ. Looking at the video of the gogoplata, i'm
trying to see where the choke or pain comes from. It looks like it might
be from Nicks right shin under the throat of Gomi coupled with the head
being pulled down. Is that right?

DeeJayDub, yes also his hand is trapped so he can't get out. Very good submission, but at that point in the fight you could pull any sub on Gomi and he would tap. He was gassed badly.