I’m Down 25 Lbs

He was replying to someone else. Look at the reply indicator in the top right hand of his comment.

Oh shit. I didn’t k ow what that was. Ok. Thanks for explaining man. New forum stuffzzz

My average blood glucose level since starting this is 104.6. That indicates an HGA1C of about a 5.3 or so. That’s well within the limits of the Norns range. As far as how I’m feeling, I’ve seen some surface fat melt away, but most interesting to me is that I am able to flex and contract my core muscles again. I didn’t realize it, but due to visceral fat deposits, my ability to engage my core was severely limited. I’ve got miles to go, but this is a really nice thing. Seeing results this quickly is a real boost to my motivation. Also, seeing my glucose level when I wake up drop from around a 135 to a 100 or so has been a really big boost as well. I’m feeling good, and starting to see visual results too. If this continues to work, it will change my quality of life for certain. I’m looking forward to getting my blood work done down the road and seeing what changes have occurred that I’ve been unable to monitor with my limited equipment.

At present, I am at 269. Hoping to drop to 150 in the next 4-6 weeks. More likely it will take me 10-12 weeks, but a guy can dream…

Thanks for being supportive, bro. While 8 know and understand that it seems very different from most traditional ways of losing weight, it seems to be working for me. In the end, that’s what matters.

Yeah…that’s gonna be dangerous lol

Dude- I could go and cut the weight like for a weigh in or something. I could do that by tomorrow. I’d like to do it properly and keep the weight off. That takes time and consistency.

Ok. I had a bad cold this past week. I did my best to stick to everything I’ve been doing and I was pretty successful. I ate chicken soup with no noodles. I felt pretty run down and depleted.

I’m on the mend now, but I find myself having trouble sticking to the 8 hour eating window. I’ve had late night cravings again. I am able to see signs of my abs (the top 4) now, and I want to continue my progress, but my weight has plateaued a bit. If I just stick with it, I think I’ll break through and start to lose again soon. Also hoping to see weight fall off again once I’m fully recovered from the cold. I’m still having trouble sleeping which I think has really set a lot of the other aspects of my progress back a bit.

I weighed in this AM. I am down a grand total of 35lbs since the beginning. I’ve been doing intermittent fasting fir 5 months now. I’m still also monitoring my glucose levels and only eating when the glucose levels indicate that I need food.

I’ve had 2 challenges arise recently. First, I find myself craving carbs like a vampire lusting for blood. It is a ferocious compulsion to gorge myself. I’ve resisted in terms of snacks and such. I did eat a crust of bread last week. It only spiked my glucose by about 4 points, so it wasn’t a big deal. Since, I have dealt with the craving by having a protein shake (1carv per serving). Ive kept under 20 carbs per day, and they all come from vegetables, fruits, etc. no snacks or anything like that.

The second challenge I’ve faced is that even though I’m eating appropriately during the eating window, I’ve had Kate night cravings. Not for snack food. I’m just feeling starved at about 11:30 or so. It wakes me up. Im trying to adjust how much I consume during my eating window, and trying to shift the window to a later time so I can eat between 1-9 instead of 12-8.

Anyone have any advice??

For some time, I was plateau’d at about 263 lbs or so. No matter what I did or ate, my weight was seemingly stuck. I’ve been diligent with my diet and with my intermittent fasting. Today I got on the scale and I was 259.4 lbs! This is one of those small victories for me. Onward and downward towards 225!!!