I may not be famous

I'd still like to see the video of the seminar.

As for Wutang stirring up shit, it's probably a good thing. Someone had to bring that issue up otherwise it would all be kisses and hugs here, which is pretty boring. Now Aesopian has responded. I don't think beyond that there's any absolute, final resolution to the issue. We'll just have to see how things play out over the years ahead.

BTW I've met and trained with Wutang. He's a GREAT guy in person, totally standup for his friends. If I only knew him from his internet persona, I wouldn't have the whole picture. Since he will never post a personal defense here, I think someone owes it to himt to standup for his character here. Obviously on the internet he isn't shy about being provocative, but you can't say he didn't ask a question that probably a lot of lurkers have asked themselves as well.

OTOH, still LMAO about the "pale vampire" comment...

I won't go all Rodney King on you guys and ask "why can't we all be friends," but apart from Wutang being a traditionalist ("thou shalt not teach before black belt") and Aesopian running absolutely counter to tradition (online tutorials as a blue belt well before this recent foray into "real life" teaching as a purple belt), I don't see what the big fuss is all about. As someone said above, this isn't TMA where a bold embossed certificate makes you god and everybody else is an idiot.

Finally, at my academy, the purple belts are one of the best sources of guidance and instruction after class. Purple belts aren't idiots. Althought they may be pale and sun-shy.

As strange as this may seem, I actually appreciate arguments and dissent. I hate when everything is hugs and kisses since that doesn't lead to anything new or interesting. If you look into an actually important field outside of BJJ, like the sciences, you see that they have a high level of debate and verbally beat each other up. That's just how they work. Progress is made at the expense of a lot of scientists' feelings. So if anything, wutang is just balancing things out.

I don't have a grudge against wutang and I'm sure he's a nice guy in person. Pretty much everyone is. I know that people will disagree with me and not everyone wants to be my best friend. But face-to-face, most people are social, can carry a friendly conversation and at least won't shit directly in your mouth.

"OTOH, still LMAO about the "pale vampire" comment..."

Tongue in cheek, as you say. ;) If you read the prior posts, that's how you were referred to so I used the same description. I don't really care what you look like.

Half of my other post was responding to that other guy -- the jealousy and comparing themselves to Moriarty.

I will give you this -- you're organized and you thought out the situation quite well.

"I'm also guessing you're one of the guys who thinks I just rip off instructionals and take credit for the moves. Sound about right?"


"I'm trying to figure out where this post is going. I guess it's this: How much of your criticism is actually about what I did (seminar, teaching, etc.) and how much is you just not liking me. Because it seems you're less concerned with what was actually taught to the people at the seminar and more worried about my belt, my personality and my skin tone."

I have issues with purple belts teaching and posting as if they are experts. Expertise comes through time and experience -- you have neither. This of course isn't so say sometime down the line you won't be, but as of right now, you're not.

I'm far from being a traditionalist -- I think you can learn bits and pieces from just about anyone. It's the lack of details comparing the knowledge of a purple belt with a good black belt.

"I don't have a grudge against wutang and I'm sure he's a nice guy in person. Pretty much everyone is. I know that people will disagree with me and not everyone wants to be my best friend. But face-to-face, most people are social, can carry a friendly conversation and at least won't shit directly in your mouth."

Am I shitting directly into your mouth? I think I'm having a civil conversation with you, no?

I'm a douche -- an asshole, really. But that's not the point of this thread.

You know what's funny? Sometimes you only see people post, is when they want to write something negative. Oh well, haters are goin to hate no matter where they are, or what they are doing. I guess you can look on the bright side, if you've got a crowd of haters, then at least it means your on their minds enough to even speak on you :-).

A haters number 1 job is to hate, and right now, I must congratulate the guys pulling in those hard overtime hours, job well done ;-)! So Aesopian, copy another move that Eduardo taught you over there at Gracie Barra Tampa, and continue to work and train hard. Teach what you feel you can.

When peoples thongs get so wound up in their asses, just take it as a compliment from them, because your "success" and internet "fame" bothers them. For every 1 hater, there are 4 people who enjoy your work, respectable ratio if you ask me.

I write all kinds of positive thing -- you just noticed me the most on this thread.

I love everyone.

  • Sigh - I don't have an e-grudge with Wutang either, I just didn't like his opinion in regards to my friend, and as a good friend, I came in for back up. I'm pretty sure Wutang is a great person face to face, and its hard to tell that because its very hard to read emotion via internet.

So Wutang feels purple belts shouldn't be teaching, I feel anyone who is good at a given subject should go ahead and share what they've got. I could see if he was a blue belt teaching a seminar, but that isn't the case here.

Now on the other hand, Mad Tiger almost never has anything meaningful to say in regards to Matt, and that's what makes me think he intentionally starts shit.

You're being civil. I was being "tongue in cheek", to overuse that phrase. Sorry if I seem confrontational but it's annoying to see several weeks of preparation and hours of free work belittled with a couple of "LMAO" and "that is probably the only positive thing about this seminar."

You've got a good point about time and experience. I worry a lot about that myself. My online persona may not show it but I put a lot of thought into whether or not I should be showing anything on the internet. I question whether I'm actually doing the right thing. "Don't these people have real instructors?"

I'll go back to what first made me start putting out tutorials. I was looking over BJJ.org at all of these tutorials by black belts and I thought "Man, they may be black belts but they fucking suck at taking a good photo."

That's what got me started. I figure if I can sit down and REALLY work out every detail, study how different black belts doing it, try it all myself, take clear photos, write thorough explanations, follow-up with Q&A, etc. then I'm doing a better job overall in this regard than a black belt who "knows" the move better. I think part of the reason people feel I'm just ripping off black belts is that I'm referencing them to show this isn't junk I pulled out of my ass -- good guys really do use this stuff.

What I do will never replace a qualified instructor. Anyone who comes to me without one has heard me stress over and over that they need to get to a real gym with an experienced teacher. Through what I've done online, I've gotten at least a dozen people to sign up at BJJ gym. I got one to do so at my seminar.

I'm going to be really, really cocky for a moment -- even more than usual.

Marcelo Garcia taught the reverse omoplata at the seminar I went to. The way he did it is fine, but not very detailed. I understand why he did it his way and nothing was "wrong" per se. But I think the way I teach it is better, since I really dig in and I can explain why you do everything you do. I'm sure Marcelo knows these details too -- but he didn't teach them.

That's some mighty big talk. I may have just made a fatal mistake and compared myself to Marcelo Garcia, which would be dumb since I can only dream of being at his level. What credentials do I have to make a claim like that? None really. So I may have just stepped on my own dick.

I just think I have the time to really go into details on it. That's what I went for at my seminar. Go into one thing I know well (or at least better than anyone else there). Ask Leo about it. I think he'll agree. He was at both seminars, so he saw it taught both ways.

Let's get into something really terrible here. What would you think of me teaching a white belt the reverse omoplata over the internet? There's no way that's a good thing. That violates everything we hold dear and true.

But as luck would have it, I have. Back when I was just a blue belt even. And here's what he has to say:

Aeso taught me the reverse omoplata over instant messenger and helped me troubleshoot problems I had with it. I've finished 4 tournament fights within the past year and a half (1 as a white belt and 3 as a blue belt) using the reverse omoplata. Here are links to the two most recent RO wins in back to back fights at the Ontario Grappling Grand Prix Finals (June 2007).

Hard to argue with results.

I see where you are coming from. It's a legitimate concern to worry about sub-black belt instructors teaching. I can see the problems that can arise from that as well as you can. You're raising good points. Like I said, you're playing an important role in this discussion. It's just that I'm having trouble seeing any harm being done in this case.

Maybe I'm biased since it's my reputation at stake. But I have a hard time taking a broad, idealistic view of this when I see very real and tangible proof that people are better for me having done what I do.

Let's take a detour and look at the photos I took.

BJJ Seminar 001

Everyone drilling as I patrol the room.

BJJ Seminar 004

Answering questions.

BJJ Seminar 005

Inspecting a pair drilling.

BJJ Seminar 007

Making sure two white belts are getting it.

BJJ Seminar 009

BJJ Seminar 012

Speaking to the class and demonstrating a technique.

BJJ Seminar 014

Talking with Leo and John, the brown belts who hosted me.

BJJ Seminar 015

My Machado Face.

I can't believe people are hating on you for giving a free seminar. I wish I was there and I can't wait for the video. Keep up the good work.

I was one of the white belts who attended the seminar. I also attended a Marcelo Garcia seminar at the same gym back in March. Aesopian's seminar was top notch. Marcelo's was great as well, but I understood the techniques in this seminar a LOT better than I did at Marcelo's. This is not to say Marcelo is not a good coach or that he's not a good technician. Of course, he's one of the best players in the world. I've heard BJJ black belts mention that they pay attention to what white belts say because they feel they can learn from anybody. The fact that we had two brown belts at this seminar who felt they learned from the purple belt giving the seminar also, I feel, says much about how good the teaching actually was. I'm looking forward to the next seminar Aesopian puts on here in south Florida.

I really dont understand how someone can have a problem with a purple belt giving a FREE seminar.

I didnt attend the seminar, but i would bet the stuff Aeospian taught was very technical and well taught. I would even bet he could teach the stuff he went over better then most black belts. He has researched, drilled and has those parts of the "jiujitsu syllabus" down.

Takedowns101 came out with instructional dvds and there was a purple belt teaching on the open guard dvd. But the instructional was still good, purple belts can know techniques just as well as black belts, but will usually lack the timing and sensivity that black belts have. That timing and sensitivity can't be taught, but the technique can.

Wutang whats your problem!?!? what does what someone else do matter to you? this seminar doesnt negatively effect you does it? I could understand if it was constructive criticism, but its not. I just can't understand the hate, you havent even seen the seminar footage! Maybe after you see the footage you should complain and could put in some constructive criticism, you are bjj blackbelt afterall. But untill then i think you should just keep quiet, because to me your just coming off in a negative light.

Looking forward to seeing some of the seminar footage.

I agree whole heartedly with BWS. I forgot Ken (Primola) shot that open guard instructional as a Purple Belt, and that was a VERY well put together DVD. Didn't hear any gripes about that.

However, I respect people for voicing their opinions, as everyone is entitled, just sometimes being constructive is better than being destructive. At the end of the day, all that matters is if people had a good time, and learning. If the above was accomplished at the seminar, why would you want to take that away from someone???

Personally I'm glad Matt shared what he did in that seminar. I personally know that he has spent a lot, and I mean A LOT of time working that move into his game, and he can damn well hit brown belts on up with it. I wish more people with expertise on specific subjects would follow in those footsteps and be more helpful, instead of harmful.

Again, I mean no ill will towards Wu, I was just saying.

I get where he's coming from. Something doesn't need to directly effect someone for them to be concerned about it. I think he's worried about the standards in BJJ and unqualified teachers. In that sense his posts are perfectly justified, since he does have a personal stake in the overall quality of BJJ. Whether or not he's sticking barbs in me isn't a big deal, since that's just how the internet works. I do the same.

What I'm now trying to get is what Wutang means when he says he doesn't think someone below black belt can teach a move, how all-important "details" will be missing. Because it seems that he's speaking for a idealistic standpoint. If I teach it correctly, and it works for people just like I taught, what deeper meaning am I missing by not having more experience and a darker belt?

Everyone who attended the seminar tells me they loved it. Everyone I've taught the reverse omoplata, in person or online, tells me they love it. I've got a ton of feedback and proof that it's helping people and they are really using it, even in tournament.

But I'm still open to counter-arguments. That's why I'm taking the time to banter with Wutang. I could ignore him since he's the only real dissenter here, plus he's internet people (which is not the same as real people), but I really do want to hear what he has to say.

The ideas we believe are only as strong as the arguments they can stand up again. But we're not talking about the "idea" of lower belts teaching. It did happen. I did it. So what did I actually do wrong? Who got harmed? What rule did I break? I really would like to know.

Speaking of footage though, it should be mailed to me this week. Then I'll see where it goes from there.

that last pic, with the "machado face", are u doing a fig 4 toehold, twisting the other way, which would be illegal under cbjj rules?

dude, you live in florida yet have no tan.

what's wrong with you?

next time sell t-shirts, good money earner.

You guys are over-analyzing this. It's quite simple: Aesopian: JUST STOP CALLING YOURSELF AWESOME!

lol, seriously, I don't have ANY problem with it and I consider Aesopian to be my friend, but I think that all of his problems would go away if he stopped using that word. Hahaha.

"I figure I'm doing alright if the people who didn't like the seminar were on the other side of the country"

I literally laughed out loud at this. It's so true.

Let the haters keep hating. If I'm ever in Florida, I'm calling you for a lesson on the reverse omoplata.




It's funny- looking at these threads.  Wutang just doesn't get it.  And what he doesn't get is it doesn't matter what he thinks.  Leo Kirby wanted Aesop to do a seminar.  Aesop did it.  Everyone who attended got something out of it and enjoyed it.  End of story.