I see why Rampage retired

Bat21 - 
nofatchicks - Rampage doesnt even like to train and Im not sure he likes fighting. I doubt he is coach material to begin with so why the surprise that he's not a good coach?
Rampage's actions regarding Dimico transcends bad coaching. I've never seen a coach or a corner abandon their fighter after he lost, until last night. Total dick move, if you ask me.

And Rampage was complaining about HIS bad luck, after his fighter just lost the fight of his life!

The Messiah - Rampage sucks as a coach but no way is he worse than steak n chicken shamrock

 Atleast Shamrock was there for his guys (or his bodybuilding buddy was) but the point is someone from the coaching staff was always there for the guys. Granted the info they were giving might not have been the best

droplogic - Rampage not going to his fighter after the fight...uh, don't recall seeing Rashad in the ring after the fight either, it was his COACHING TEAM I saw in there, where was Rampage's team in the cage?
Yes, Rashad actually was in the cage consling D.  Go back and rewatch it, actually rewatch the whole show, before you post again.

Boldar - 
droplogic - Rampage not going to his fighter after the fight...uh, don't recall seeing Rashad in the ring after the fight either, it was his COACHING TEAM I saw in there, where was Rampage's team in the cage?
Yes, Rashad actually was in the cage consling D.  Go back and rewatch it, actually rewatch the whole show, before you post again.

Yeah you were not dropping logic on that one fren. Rashad was the first person to go console him


Rampage is behaving like a giant self centred scumbag who is borderline retarded and incredibly unfunny.Not exactly breaking news but the depths of his shitheadedness is. A worse TUF coach than Ken. Never thought I'd see the day.That shit with not going to Demico after he lost the fight was pathetic. Fucking baby.

 yep. So far we have him showing up late, not helping fighters, trying to start drama where he gets verbally beat down everytime. I'll admit he did have good advice about teaching too much and just having the guys punch from the top if there aren't the best a jiu jitsu....too bad NONE of the fighters were in there

You know, Rampage 'retiring'... I wonder how much more stuff there is to come on this season we don't know about....

Rampage has been my second fav fighter since PRIDE, but man it's like he's just phoning it in here. Almost like he already knew he was gone.

I Cannot believe he abandon his own team member. that's just unreal.

Rampage wonders why people hate him too. He always complains about "waaa people booed me after I beat chuck." No shit... You knocked out the UFC fan favorite champion, and now you act like a complete tool on national television. At least Chuck doesn't act like he's five all the time. He might have his drug problems, but he doesn't act like a toddler.

I think Rampage is the type of person that money REALLY fucking brings out their true self.