No one sucker punched him .. He just made a fool out of himself by passing around super dorky cards to high profile MMA people..lol What a clown.

Fabes is good people!! I heart him!

It wasnt even probably that good of a punch...but the target was just so

TTT for Justice by Fabes' bootleather.

"I support Shiloh, even though he is apparently too cool to hang out."

Dude, you should have waited .. All Shiloh needed was that extra 20 mins in the bathroom to freshen up his errr... yeah, and he'd have shown the the best night of your life

Heck, he could have even taken pics of you in his dog's cage tweaked out of your mind on some good shit! ... Or, he would have taken you down to his club and met some of the hottest chicks in the LA area [of course they'd all have that "deer in headlights" look and be tweaked out of their minds ... not remembering who the fuck you are later though..lol]

He got punched cause people were sick of getting handed his cards.

lol Ring Girl lays the smackdown of truth.

ok, the cards were a bad idea.

i get it!

I saved mine and framed it.

sub wrestler sounds like a spurned fan of mine

why yes, I am your biggest fan .. quite literally..lol


I had that guy suckerpunch FABES because he never gave ME a card.

I'm still waiting for that damn card Fabes!

Next week, I'm sending a Samoan girl to punch YOU!


Damn... I feel left out. I didn't get a card!!

I too support Fabes