fabes is a good guy and didnt deserve to be suckerpunched.

jew power!

where do i mail the brownies?

I support Shiloh, even though he is apparently too cool to hang out.

I also support Fabes

Haven't the Jew's suffered enough?

Fabes by foot stomp!!

Fabes by soccer kick to matza balls


has any of the mentioned cast-of-characters ever talked the tuffguy routine (and now are involving a lawyer due to lost-respect) on mma.tv?

I support scrotal kicks and of couse shiloh is correct as per usual.

RHM, you're getting on my nerves tough guy.

I support goku's endorsement of shiloh's support of fabes!!!

I strongly endorse mikeblak's support of goku's endorsement of shiloh's support of fabes


I support Barrister's suport of mikeblak's support of goku's endorsement of shiloh's support of fabes.

I support The Local 505 Fighters Union

fabes - did you really hand a "fabes - professional MMA fighter" business card to Chris Brennan?

Inquiring minds want to know dammit!

Yes I did.

I give 'em out as jokes to UG/OGers.

I got one too!

By the way, I don't think Chris likes OMA too much.

Say it ain't so Chris?

"I give 'em out as jokes to UG/OGers."