I thank God for Mike Goldberg...

remove Frank and add Rogan

 For my money JR and MG are the best. The problem is they are doing almost 2 shows a month and some of their stuff gets repetitive.

Can you imagine if we had to listen to Quadros and MR 2 times a month? Just think about it.

mike goldberg doesnt' say anything smart and just asks joe questions or repeats what joe has said. he's a horrible commentator who should be thankful the UFC hasn't gotten rid of him for someone who is more knowledgeable about the sport.

Frank Shamrocks lisp is prishh-leshhh..

wipes spit off of computer screen

jvwand - Everytime I watch strikeforce. The fights are great but if I have to listen to Frank Shamrock or that really loud guy say stupid shit one more time Ima kill a bitch. At least Goldie is comical to make fun of, those guys just suck.

 Start with yourself. Thanks homie.

jvwand - 
Mad Xyientist -  I think this thing should be like football.  ONLY former players and coaches in the booth, or guys like Al Michaels who are consummate professionals.

If you're a pea-brained cock-gobbler like Mike Goldberg, get the fuck out.  I'd rather have Wanderlei Silva struggling with English calling the fight than that assclown.

I agree, but even in the case Frank Shamrock you have him saying things like "kicking is the most energy expensive thing in MMA" has he ever shot a takedown before? Has he ever struggled for a submission before? obviously he has but somehow that slipped his mind. And Ranallo...if i never heard him say anything about anything ever again it would be too soon. My favorite was when he tried to say something about Cung Le going for an Uchi Mata, he very well may have been going for that, but they way he said it sounded like he was reading it from wikipedia.
Yeah, but at least he didn't say it was a Greco-Roman Wrestling move lol


 I think we can all agree Mike G sucks but he is still better than MR, Quadros(Don't get me started) and Frank S. 

I have a feeling the UFC is becoming the uncool thing to like. Kinda like in music. When a band gets to popular you are a sellout for liking them. I don't know it just amazes me how people will bitch about anything.

Like I said earlier, Im just happy I dont have to hear Frank, Mauro or Quadros 2 times a month.  I think what the UFC needs to do is have different commentators on the fight night cards. The main problem is oversaturation of Goldy and JR.

Buffer sucks.

ShaqNoob - 
jvwand - Everytime I watch strikeforce. The fights are great but if I have to listen to Frank Shamrock or that really loud guy say stupid shit one more time Ima kill a bitch. At least Goldie is comical to make fun of, those guys just suck.

 Start with yourself. Thanks homie.

hehe...Fuck you...

jvwand - 
ShaqNoob - 
jvwand - Everytime I watch strikeforce. The fights are great but if I have to listen to Frank Shamrock or that really loud guy say stupid shit one more time Ima kill a bitch. At least Goldie is comical to make fun of, those guys just suck.

 Start with yourself. Thanks homie.

hehe...Fuck you...
Except he had a point. And he thanked you in advance. shrug I gotta go with him on that one.


triphelin -  ... there is the other fag that looks like Kevin bacon if Kevin bacon had burned up in a fire...

THis is the truth and then some about Quadros.

ranier wolfcastle -  listen to some tito commentary, then realize franks ok

Yep. Tito was all about Tito, the worst trait possible in a commentator.