I thank God for Mike Goldberg...

Everytime I watch strikeforce. The fights are great but if I have to listen to Frank Shamrock or that really loud guy say stupid shit one more time Ima kill a bitch. At least Goldie is comical to make fun of, those guys just suck.

strikeforce commentary is better

goldberg and rogan just yell the same things over and over at the top of their lungs

 LOL, just because someone else sucks doesn't make Mike Goldberg good.

Ranallo and Goldberg need to both do Red Bull pinebox derby fulltime.  Put Militich and Baroni in the booth for my money.

Not saying I like Goldberg, just saying if I had to listen to him alone or strikeforces guys, I'd take him. My personal opinion. And I have to disagree with Joe Rogan yelling the same thing. Joe is very informed about the sport, at worst he nut hugs jiu jitsu guys.

jvwand - Everytime I watch strikeforce. The fights are great but if I have to listen to Frank Shamrock or that really loud guy say stupid shit one more time Ima kill a bitch. At least Goldie is comical to make fun of, those guys just suck.

As much as he's cocky and I don't like his style of fighting (never got better since his early days), he is a great commentator.

SF is a much better production

 I think this thing should be like football.  ONLY former players and coaches in the booth, or guys like Al Michaels who are consummate professionals.

If you're a pea-brained cock-gobbler like Mike Goldberg, get the fuck out.  I'd rather have Wanderlei Silva struggling with English calling the fight than that assclown.

jvwand - Not saying I like Goldberg, just saying if I had to listen to him alone or strikeforces guys, I'd take him. My personal opinion. And I have to disagree with Joe Rogan yelling the same thing. Joe is very informed about the sport, at worst he nut hugs jiu jitsu guys.

Joe may be informed in theory

but in practice it degenerates into him racing Goldberg to see who can say NICE LEG KICK! first

I'm still unclear on which leg kicks do more damage, the ones that slap, or the ones that thud?

Mad Xyientist -  I think this thing should be like football.  ONLY former players and coaches in the booth, or guys like Al Michaels who are consummate professionals.

If you're a pea-brained cock-gobbler like Mike Goldberg, get the fuck out.  I'd rather have Wanderlei Silva struggling with English calling the fight than that assclown.

I agree, but even in the case Frank Shamrock you have him saying things like "kicking is the most energy expensive thing in MMA" has he ever shot a takedown before? Has he ever struggled for a submission before? obviously he has but somehow that slipped his mind. And Ranallo...if i never heard him say anything about anything ever again it would be too soon. My favorite was when he tried to say something about Cung Le going for an Uchi Mata, he very well may have been going for that, but they way he said it sounded like he was reading it from wikipedia.

Ranallo and Goldberg need to both do Red Bull pinebox derby fulltime.  Put Militich and Baroni in the booth for my money.

 listen to some tito commentary, then realize franks ok

 Renallo is a bag of douche......frank has a lisp so severe he has windshield wipers on the inside of his ferrari and then there is the other fag that looks like Kevin bacon if Kevin bacon had burned up in a fire...

Do you WANNA be an ultimate fighter?

Goldberg is a true professional. He is a very smooth commentator.

blue63 - Mike Goldberg makes me happy to be deaf. 


Mad Xyientist - 
blue63 - Mike Goldberg makes me happy to be deaf. 


Matt Hamill??? I would be honored if he posted on my thread

blue63 - Mauro, Joe and The Voice Schiavello = my dream team

 Yeah, I'm sure three guys competing to do play by play at the same time would be really awesome

 goldberg is the worst in business

 "I thank God for Mike Goldberg..."

Member Since:

 How about this:

Joey Karate & Phil Baroni for poitically correct color commentary :-)

Pat Militech &, Bas Rutten for MMA education for the general public

And Joe Rogan doing the pre/post fight interviews.

This kind of line-up would deliver - guaranteed!

