I think James Toney should fight _______ first.

I would like to see Toney absolutely excel at MMA. I would love to see the impact he could have on this sport. We are living in a very dynamic time as our brand-new sport reaches a certain level of maturity. The richness of the talent is almost beyond measure. World champion BJJers, kickboxers, wrestlers have all made their presence felt and changed the game. Now we're seeing big bastards rise in the heavyweights and phenomenally well-rounded talents rule the other divisions. This would be the perfect time for a boxer to further enrich this transitional period.

Handy Cooter

Funny no Kimbo mentioned, because toney would be dun dotta'ed

Saw something in another thread that made me think about this... maybe bring in someone respected, a little outside their prime from outside the organization? How about Gary Goodrich? Not known much for his technicle grappling by any stretch, nor his technical striking for that matter, but a tough SOB with enough experience in all areas to make it interesting. If Tony wins it really doesn't say much about the current crop of fighters, if he loses then he's not ready for UFC calliber fighters yet.


kenny florian, not kidding

How many of these possible fights would get sanctioned though?

Coleman...I would love that fight,


I don't know who his first opponent should be but I know who it shouldn't be - it shouldn't be some macho man striker who thinks he can stand and bang with Toney. Put him in with a genuine MMA fighter who will try to take him down and g'n'p or sub him.

EBM, if Toney wil fight at a catchweight of  215 or so. Jus make sure they got some amber lamps ready for the fall out! 

Fuck Yeah for CROCOP!

Cro Cop didn't attempt a single takedown on Hunt when he probably should have. He would probably stand with Toney.


caker9 - Coleman...I would love that fight,

oh dear god

 Antoni Hardonk or Roy Nelson.

cro cop
any solid wrestler at 205 or hweight

 if its a multi-fight contract they'll want him to win at least the first fight, so they'll have to dig up a terrible mma fighter

RickStorm - I'd like to see him fight Frank Mir...

I don't want to sound disrespectful but either way the fight goes I win.. lol That's all Imma gonna say 


Dana will give him Roy Nelson

Nelson loses: Toney just have a victory over a TUF parcitipant. Interest and debate between boxing and UFC fans is still alive.

Nelson wins: well, you know hat will happen if Roy wins...