I think Rampage should be suspended or fined

 He was slamming bader on his back,

bader did a HUGE grappling no no, and turned the wrong way and stuck his arm out.

Nothing compared to the Sapp vs Nog spike.


Blazing Knees - 
Herring In A Fur Coat - 
Blazing Knees -

Ok. So I guess the Randleman slam on Fedor was the same deal right?

 Yes, both legal.

 Both of them morally illegal, imo

oh boy the morality police are here to tell us whats right!!

Did I ever say I would be happy if bader was hurt??? No I didn't but being a fighter you know you assume liability stepping in to a fight.

Rampage slammed him yes but if you actually knew what you were talking about you would see rampage turn him so he wouldn't spoke head first. Bader reacted poorly and put himself in a bad spot. Simple rules of a slam are 1) never post out unless you want a dislocated arm and 2) always at any cost protect your head and neck Phone Post

I was attempting to point you toward the prevention. It's a standard lesson in grappling. You do not brace with the arm for numerous reasons.

It was the first thing I was told coming into high school wrestling as a freshman.

Take your morals and bible thump your bitch ass to sherdog mrs bader Phone Post

Yeah.....lets pussify MMA even more

I hope this a troll post.

I'm happy to see Slampage back. Phone Post

Fuck you Phone Post

napalmstyle -  Take your morals and bible thump your bitch ass to sherdog mrs bader Phone Post

 Fuck you.

I don't thumb bibles and what's going on in your head to say something like that?

I know what I'm talking about, he dropped him on his fucking skull on purpose. 


If Bader had held on, he would have landed on his back. Bader altered position, not Rampage. Nothing wrong with the slam by any definition of the rules.

Right now you are emotional about the subject and can not debate this in a clear logical manner. Please stop making a fool of yourself.

xsrg95 -  Fuck you Phone Post

 Right back at you Slick

Fuck you

MMAxNate - http://manvs.net/ug/img/SLAMPAGE.gif

If Bader had held on, he would have landed on his back.

 I'm sure Bader has been trained for that. His base is wrestling iirc. putting your arm out to buffer your fall is instinctual. He's trained.
Rampage lifts him with his right knee on the pick up and tilts Bader

larger version


lol, Im done with you moron. If you can't pay attention to simple facts, you really don't belong in any discussion on any subject, let alone one you start and other people finished. Find a new sport to cry about, I don't want you following one I love.

MMAxNate - larger version



 "He got that good slam, you know , I knew he was waiting for something because he was a little to relaxed right there with his head. He was just waiting for me to knee the head and he caught my leg. He’s a strong dude, so he picked me up and slammed me right on my head ...."

He slammed him on his fucking head

No he picked him up, Bader released the body lock and attempted to brace. Bader put himself in that position. He is wrong, you are wrong, the video proves it.

MMAxNate - No he picked him up, Bader released the body lock and attempted to brace. Bader put himself in that position. He is wrong, you are wrong, the video proves it.

. Phone Post

Op...wrestlers, judoka, and mma fighters are telling u that bader pulled a no-no. My sons started wrestling this year. My oldest is 9. On the first day of training the coach explained not to post or torque ur hips to the mat while being slammed. Bader was a high level wrestler and broke a very basic rule. He landed poorly because of a poor defensive action. Phone Post