I think Rampage should be suspended or fined

  For the blatant spike he did on Bader.

He knew EXACTLY what he was doing and he did it with malicious intent. How can you look at the GIF and not cringe if you're sane?

What if Bader was paralyzed from the neck down? What if he had died? It's not a matter of being a "tough guy" or " risks taken in the cage" it's a matter of fact that he tried to end either Baders career or life.

Babalu gets kicked out of the UFC for holding a choke too long, guys get kicked out for running their mouths about current events and get fired for behind the scene hi-jinks but this muderous act is ok, huh?

The UFC won't do jack shit about it because it's " Rampage". The dude can get jacked up, terrorize the public roads causing a lady to have a miscarraige, nothing. He can miss weight, not train properly and show up for a fight and get his bread. I'd like to see another fighter in the UFC do that. They let him get away with just about anything.

If it was a lower tier fighter who had done that last nite, I fucking guarantee Dana would have flown off the handle, fired whoever did it and made an example out of him I can just hear him saying some shit about " We're trying to bring our sport ot NYC and other larger markets who won't let us do our shows and this and moves like this aren't helping our cause" or some bullshit.

I think what he did was malicious, malevolent and downright criminal and he knew the consequenses if 1mm of neckbone had twisted the wrong way. It's bullshit

Fucken serious???

Bahahaha faggot Phone Post

You're a fucking idiot.


Look at Rampage's body during the Bader slam.


Bader made himself get spiked by twisting his body like an idiot.

Hi mrs bader, thank you for stopping by the Ug. Your son fought decent last night Phone Post

Lol Phone Post

NickBenton93 - You're a fucking idiot.


Look at Rampage's body during the Bader slam.


Bader made himself get spiked by twisting his body like an idiot.

 fuck that. I've seen it a bunch of times and you're the fucking idiot. You're ok with it because you're a fuckin idiot.

napalmstyle - Hi mrs bader, thank you for stopping by the Ug. Your son fought decent last night <img src="/images/phone/droid.png" alt="Phone Post" border="0" style="vertical-align:middle;"/>


Bader's movement in response the lift was the wrong move. Judo practitioners learn very early not to do this as it can and will cause severe injuries. It is not the fault of the fighter performing the lift if their opponent alters their position in a poor manner during the maneuver.

You, sir, need to study the unified rules.

napalmstyle -  Hi mrs bader, thank you for stopping by the Ug. Your son fought decent last night Phone Post


You're a professional fighter and you're ok with it?

Or are you just joining the crowd singing a few bars of "sandy vagina"

So you'd be alright with it if  Bader was fucked up permamenty?

Blazing Knees - 
NickBenton93 - You're a fucking idiot.


Look at Rampage's body during the Bader slam.


Bader made himself get spiked by twisting his body like an idiot.

 fuck that. I've seen it a bunch of times and you're the fucking idiot. You're ok with it because you're a fuckin idiot.

I'm okay with it because it was Bader's fault, you dumbass.

Bader should be fined for making himself almost die.

Blazing Knees - 
napalmstyle -  Hi mrs bader, thank you for stopping by the Ug. Your son fought decent last night


You're a professional fighter and you're ok with it?

Or are you just joining the crowd singing a few bars of "sandy vagina"

So you'd be alright with it if  Bader was fucked up permamenty?

If he did happen to be injured by the slam it would have been his own fault.

It didn't look like Rampage intended for Bader to land on his head. Bader reached out his arm out of survival instinct causing his body to twist into a dangerous position.

You seem to dislike Rampage which is fine; I don't particularly like him either, but you're letting your dislike cloud your judgment. Phone Post

MMAxNate - Bader's movement in response the lift was the wrong move. Judo practitioners learn very early not to do this as it can and will cause severe injuries. It is not the fault of the fighter performing the lift if their opponent alters their position in a poor manner during the maneuver.

You, sir, need to study the unified rules.

 Bader is a Jukoda?

Ok. So I guess the Randleman slam on Fedor was the same deal right?

Who the fuck can  control their body when they are cradled and slammed by a pro with that strength and force.

He landed on his HEAD

ds1970 -  It didn't look like Rampage intended for Bader to land on his head. Bader reached out his arm out of survival instinct causing his body to twist into a dangerous position.

You seem to dislike Rampage which is fine; I don't particularly like him either, but you're letting your dislike cloud your judgment. Phone Post

 I see it the other way. I see page turning his body in midair for maximum effect.

Honestly, you might have a point about me  not lkiking Rampage. He lost me on that season of TUF when he bullied and hounded Schoonover. But I see the slam as malicious


22 second mark, pause the video and read.

So much shit, Bader moved himself into that position it wasn't Jacksons fault.

Herring In A Fur Coat - 
Blazing Knees -

Ok. So I guess the Randleman slam on Fedor was the same deal right?

 Yes, both legal.

 Both of them morally illegal, imo

Blazing Knees - 
MMAxNate - Bader's movement in response the lift was the wrong move. Judo practitioners learn very early not to do this as it can and will cause severe injuries. It is not the fault of the fighter performing the lift if their opponent alters their position in a poor manner during the maneuver.

You, sir, need to study the unified rules.

 Bader is a Jukoda?

Ok. So I guess the Randleman slam on Fedor was the same deal right?

Who the fuck can  control their body when they are cradled and slammed by a pro with that strength and force.

He landed on his HEAD

He released grip and attempted to brace the impact with his arm below his body. This is a very easy way to hurt yourself.

The correct move would have been to not have thrown the knee in first place, or grab as much of his opponent as possible, preferably a leg.

Blazing Knees - 
Herring In A Fur Coat - 
Blazing Knees -

Ok. So I guess the Randleman slam on Fedor was the same deal right?

 Yes, both legal.

 Both of them morally illegal, imo

This sport may not be for you.

MMAxNate - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dKAgGn40Jhc

22 second mark, pause the video and read.

 at .22 it describes an elbow injury from getting fucked up by Judo