I think Wangster is gettin booted

I think Andy Wang will get booted next week, maybe monsta but Wang doesn't listen to anybody as BJ was saying so that's my guess.

I got the impression it was going to be Noah. Damn editors! I picture Wang doing what he's supposed to in training, but they've already talked about training issues with Noah.

Highly doubt its Wang. He seems to be a great training partner and well liked by his teammates.

Noah's my guess.

I am going with Noah. Wang is a BJJ black belt so he has to understand a little about training seriously.

The caveman?

Yeah... I was wondering about this too. I wonder who it will be?

Noah is my pick

"The person who gets booted was wearing a gray sweatshirt"

Must be Gray. Bummer for Team Penn.


Noah seems to be the most likely pick to me, I mean he already pissed off Tony and Geico nation. Also you gotta figure its someone who's already kicked off the show, so its either Noah, Andy, or Allen. I can't see Emerson getting kicked off either.

yeah maybe noah but wangster too tho

they are playing a practical joke on Noah, guaranteed.

^^^ you know that wouldn't surprise me. Spike would probably do anything to get their ratings up, or BJ just says it and then later it turns into a whoel drama thing in which he overeacted, etc.

In terms of Dana, I think he would respect BJ's decision, he's fed up with a lot of fighters on this show.

From: armory
Date: 05/11/07 08:57 AM
Member Since: 08/12/2005
366 Total Posts Ignore User

Just so there is zero speculation. Matt was not "kicked off" The Armory team. Not sure why Gabe is trying to create tension between he and Matt.

Matt has done very well on the show, kept his head about him in ridiculous situations and just keeps focused on why he is there. He wants to be a fighter and thats it.

Sometimes relationships, styles and timing in life dont quite fit in place in certain situations. Matt is an excellent fighter, has great heart and will have a great career in the UFC.

The Armory

Wiman was not kicked out of the ARMORY, also BJ likes to talk and not make eye contact so think he was talking to Noah

just read this in Joe's blog, so it might be WANG

"This week's episode should have been called, "Choosing to win, or choosing to lose." We had noticed in training that Andy doesn't listen very well, and by "very well," I mean "at all." Andy develops tunnel vision, gets it set in his mind what he wants to do, and does it. He cares more about acting like a Samurai and "leaving it all in the cage" than he does about winning.

i distinctly remember comments on this forum about wang not being "100% down with team penn." i find it hard to believe but i wonder if those were inside comments related to bj's "100%" comment.

Bravo Bravo1

"just read this in Joe's blog, so it might be WANG
"This week's episode should have been called, "Choosing to win, or choosing to lose." We had noticed in training that Andy doesn't listen very well, and by "very well," I mean "at all." Andy develops tunnel vision, gets it set in his mind what he wants to do, and does it. He cares more about acting like a Samurai and "leaving it all in the cage" than he does about winning."

lol thats from the episode when Wang had his fight. Not the next episode

right which is easy to tell by the name CHOOSING TO WIN.....

but that quote tells us that Wang was not all in before, so it might be him this week