I.V. loophole

Cyborg / Invitcta dropped her opponent because they said she was going to use a loophole and get iv's after the weigh ins.

I didn't see mention of what the loophole is?
Is there an iv exception? Phone Post 3.0

Thought IVs were only banned in the UFC. But with Cyborg being a Zuffa fighter maybe she has to play by those rules and her opponents don't?

Saddened - Thought IVs were only banned in the UFC. But with Cyborg being a Zuffa fighter maybe she has to play by those rules and her opponents don't?
Invicta is part of zuffa in some way Phone Post 3.0

Saddened - Thought IVs were only banned in the UFC. But with Cyborg being a Zuffa fighter maybe she has to play by those rules and her opponents don't?
Yes. Only USADA bans it. Phone Post 3.0

Loophole I do believe is a doctor can administer the IV. The issue is if you need an IV to fight, most doctors won't clear you. Phone Post 3.0

Brigham - Loophole I do believe is a doctor can administer the IV. The issue is if you need an IV to fight, most doctors won't clear you. Phone Post 3.0
Interesting Phone Post 3.0

I've always sided with Cyborg when it comes to her vs Ronda, it should be at 145.

Cris went to challenge Joanna Baars in kickboxing and gained much respect for that however...

nixing a fight at 140lbs against a woman who is smaller, and not wanting to fight her b/c of an iv advantage isn't the same type of Bushido she used when facing Baars.



D241 -

I've always sided with Cyborg when it comes to her vs Ronda, it should be at 145.

Cris went to challenge Joanna Baars in kickboxing and gained much respect for that however...

nixing a fight at 140lbs against a woman who is smaller, and not wanting to fight her b/c of an iv advantage isn't the same type of Bushido she used when facing Baars.



Isn't Cyborg's new opponent in the same boat as Dandois with regards to IV usage? Phone Post 3.0

its not a loophole in INvicta, Cyborg is the one who signed additional USADA papers. kinda lame that her opponent has to play by separate rules because of fighting cyborg.

The IV thing is bullshit, she has known all year that she has to abide by USADA rules and her opponent doesn't. And Cindy is trying out for TUF at 135, I doubt she was going to need an IV at 145.

How many women other than Cyborg plausibly need an IV to fight at 145? Marloes Coenen walks around at 142, 150 if she hasn't been training.

Can one be seen on camera taking an IV before the weigh in, taking just enough that they stay on weight, then sneak one after the weigh in? Surely any test trace could be explained by the pre fight IV handily caught on camera?

Isn't the IV only banned for rehydrating AFTER weigh in? Phone Post 3.0

Morpheus1976 - its not a loophole in INvicta, Cyborg is the one who signed additional USADA papers. kinda lame that her opponent has to play by separate rules because of fighting cyborg.
Kinda lame cyborg has to play by extra rules as a zuffa contract when her opponent doesn't IMO, no reason not to give her a USADA athlete too. Phone Post 3.0

Ray Elbe - 
Morpheus1976 - its not a loophole in INvicta, Cyborg is the one who signed additional USADA papers. kinda lame that her opponent has to play by separate rules because of fighting cyborg.
Kinda lame cyborg has to play by extra rules as a zuffa contract when her opponent doesn't IMO, no reason not to give her a USADA athlete too. Phone Post 3.0

I guess playing by Zuffa's rules is one of the consequences of accepting a Zuffa paycheck, which is around 8x-10x more than anyone else in Invicta is making.

I'm sure her opponent would be delighted to forego the use of an IV -- not a hardship since like most 145 women she is probably barely cutting weight if at all -- if it meant making $90,000-100,000 instead of $6,000-9,000.

lol @ "kind of lame". It would only not be lame if Cyborg were 170lb in the ring against a 150lb woman while making 10x as much as she was, right?