I want old site back!

this format SUCKS!

Honolii - AUUURGH!!!! Get too much commercialism on this site. Only reason why I liked MMA.tv was the simplicity less cluttered look. Now it looks like Sherdog. I like the old site format back like I like the old crunchy Ovaltine.

 There might be something to that... comparing it to Sherdog i mean...
i sent a request for advertising info and the response i got from the 3rd party said they also do the advertising for sherdog... so maybe it's the same design co. as well... :-(

jjd think its tuff now wait until the bambino is born! your gonna go off on faxia just for posting! oh wait! i meant angry kitty for mentioning pesos! oh wait! ummmm well you get my point! by the way congrads! and also boy or girl?
oh and my vote is this new shit sucks!

 not sure if boy or girl yet, next visit will tell (may 6). Thanks for asking!



*still disappointed on this new site, but get used to it!