Well it looks this wannabe Kimbo thinks he's going to shoulder press or bench press people when he fights them. I saw him not even throw one single punch or saw him doing any other type of training other than barbell curls. Anyway how would I be able to set up a fight with this joker to expose for the fraud he is?
Here's the link to this clown guys..I'm looking forward to this! This is going to be very fun...lol! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xCNaWFYw0Lk
LOL!!! How you doing buddy? You should fight this clown, did you look at the youtube clip on him?
He should call out Sean McCorkle.
I refuse to believe those guys are serious.
McCorkle what makes you think they arent serious?
I video tape myself lifting weights and have my buddies talk abunch of jibberish then we post that shit on youtube!
Its how you get instant street cred and bitches.
You don't want to step into Da Da's world fellas!
Seriously though, is that supposed to be a Kimbo parody?
Now was this put together as a joke or is Da Da 5000 actually going to fight? Is he going to be the next Kimbo? I honestly don't think this is going to happen. At least Kimbo posted himself actually fighting people not just lifting weights on his front lawn. Guys is this for real? Or is this just some bad joke?