Ian McCall.....

Suess -  and when he smashes MM?  what are you gonna do? 

He smashes MM, I'll change my screen name to UGCTT OftheWay like all of the other fanboys. Phone Post

OftheWay -
Suess -  and when he smashes MM?  what are you gonna do? 

He smashes MM, I'll change my screen name to UGCTT OftheWay like all of the other fanboys. Phone Post

There's no room in the UGCTT for people who jump ship! We dont want ya! ;) Phone Post

UGCTT_UncleCreepy - 
OftheWay -
Suess -  and when he smashes MM?  what are you gonna do? 
He smashes MM, I'll change my screen name to UGCTT OftheWay like all of the other fanboys. Phone Post
There's no room in the UGCTT for people who jump ship! We dont want ya! ;) Phone Post
Creepier #6 Fanboy checking in... =)


i really hope ian smashes him, not least for my bet but im still butthurt that mm beat torres

UGCTT_UncleCreepy -
OftheWay -
Suess -  and when he smashes MM?  what are you gonna do? 

He smashes MM, I'll change my screen name to UGCTT OftheWay like all of the other fanboys. Phone Post

There's no room in the UGCTT for people who jump ship! We dont want ya! ;) Phone Post

I has a sad. Phone Post

this will be an action-packed fight! the UFC wouldn't put Creepy and MM against each other if they didn't think it would be a barn burner!

I got Ian by split decision. Phone Post

I would love to throw some money on you, specially with that line.. but I don't want to jinx you.

If you're going to take the time to type out something stupid, at least take the time to provide some analysis other than "he's overrated I'm not fighter bashing."

Thankfully after Creepy beats MM, threads like this will be a thing of the passed.


OftheWay - 
UGCTT_UncleCreepy -
OftheWay -
Suess -  and when he smashes MM?  what are you gonna do? 
He smashes MM, I'll change my screen name to UGCTT OftheWay like all of the other fanboys. Phone Post
There's no room in the UGCTT for people who jump ship! We dont want ya! ;) Phone Post
I has a sad. Phone Post
Dont has a sad... Im sure Mr Creepy can forgive you....

Send an email using the your email account on file with mixedmartialarts.com to:


change it to UGCTT_OftheWay

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and dont forget the sexy.... no homo


Tip toes into thread uh oh! tip toes out Phone Post

UGCTT_RickStorm -
OftheWay - 
UGCTT_UncleCreepy -
OftheWay -
Suess -  and when he smashes MM?  what are you gonna do? 
He smashes MM, I'll change my screen name to UGCTT OftheWay like all of the other fanboys. Phone Post
There's no room in the UGCTT for people who jump ship! We dont want ya! ;) Phone Post
I has a sad. Phone Post
Dont has a sad... Im sure Mr Creepy can forgive you....

Send an email using the your email account on file with mixedmartialarts.com to:
change it to UGCTT_OftheWay

Be brave.......

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Watch the latest Creepy Ian Videos posted by BlahBreh

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and dont forget the sexy.... no homo


LMAO!!! Hahaha that was an epic post Phone Post

Damn what a bunch of fuckin fanboys kinda lame I want Ian to lose now because y'all.. WAR MM Phone Post

Poindexter -  Great thread. It is reminiscent of the sound of a douche deflating. Not a sound you hear a lot, but very distinctive nonetheless.

I lol'd Phone Post

Just because you're expressing your opinion doesn't mean you're not fighter bashing.
That said, I think it'll be a great fight and I have no idea who wins.

ds1970 - Just because you're expressing your opinion doesn't mean you're not fighter bashing.
That said, I think it'll be a great fight and I have no idea who wins.

Did you think my OP was fighter bashing ? Phone Post

Sadly I'm gunna agree with op, wish Ian had a different debut becuase mighty mouse is a machine I see him taking a ud Phone Post

OftheWay - 
ds1970 - Just because you're expressing your opinion doesn't mean you're not fighter bashing.
That said, I think it'll be a great fight and I have no idea who wins.
Did you think my OP was fighter bashing ? <img src="/images/phone/droid.png" alt="Phone Post" border="0" style="vertical-align:middle;"/>

Meh, borderline bashing IMO given that you called him overrated and the fact that you know he posts on this forum. He's not really douchy enough for the (mild) attack like another fighter who posts on this forum. I'm not naming names.

ds1970 -
OftheWay - 
ds1970 - Just because you're expressing your opinion doesn't mean you're not fighter bashing.
That said, I think it'll be a great fight and I have no idea who wins.
Did you think my OP was fighter bashing ? <img src="/images/phone/droid.png" alt="Phone Post" border="0" style="vertical-align:middle;"/>

Meh, borderline bashing IMO given that you called him overrated and the fact that you know he posts on this forum. He's not really douchy enough for the (mild) attack like another fighter who posts on this forum. I'm not naming names.

No disrespect was intended; just wanting to discuss the fight. I'm willing to repudiate my "overrated" comment. Phone Post

..... has an amazing mustache.

..... has great short elbows on the ground.

..... has a heartwarming smile.

(this is a hostile takeover of thread. please contribute)