Ian McCall.....

Won't get passed Mighty Mouse. He's highly overrated in my opinion.

And yes I realized he's worshipped on this forum.

And no I'm not fighter bashing. Just expressing my opinion. Phone Post

 Great thread. It is reminiscent of the sound of a douche deflating. Not a sound you hear a lot, but very distinctive nonetheless.

Cool story bro Phone Post

We dont care Phone Post

It's a sensitive subject. Phone Post

Mighty Mouse will indeed be a great challenge, but the creepster's got this. Phone Post

Lick balls! Phone Post

I agree, but the UG love Ian so I wouldn't bring it up

OftheWay - Won't get passed Mighty Mouse. He's highly overrated in my opinion.

And yes I realized he's worshipped on this forum.

And no I'm not fighter bashing. Just expressing my opinion. Phone Post

The Marvelous One -
OftheWay - Won't get passed Mighty Mouse. He's highly overrated in my opinion.

And yes I realized he's worshipped on this forum.

And no I'm not fighter bashing. Just expressing my opinion. Phone Post

!! . Phone Post

^ !!!

I hope you put some cash on that bet ;) Phone Post

UGCTT_UncleCreepy - I hope you put some cash on that bet ;) Phone Post

Oh snap! Phone Post


Cool spelling bro Phone Post

Hong Kong Phooey -


The underground creepy top team cannot be stopped!! Phone Post

UGCTT_UncleCreepy - I hope you put some cash on that bet ;) Phone Post

War creep loco. Phone Post

I wish both of them the best of luck. Phone Post

Pride Never Died -  Great vid about you Ian, inspiring as hell. As a former addict that also didn't see the bright light but was clinically dead twice I support you. OP can speak his mind but he is wrong.

Haha thanks man, of coarse he's wrong! :) hahaha Phone Post

UGCTT_UncleCreepy -
Hong Kong Phooey -


The underground creepy top team cannot be stopped!! Phone Post

! Phone Post