Sub. Good luck to GSP, and all anxiety sufferers, here.
Whatever it is, GSP deserves the time off to get focused.
DTAlexONE -It took time, patience, the right medication, and the proper nutritional/lifestyle changes. After making these changes and taking the time to take care of myself, things changed dramatically for the better... and I was able to live life far more happily and far less stressed out.Ryan Black - When GSP speaks, I hear anxiety in his voice. I always thought a lot of it was more than likely due to his accent, but taking everything else into perspective- the perfectionist attitude, the 'OCD' factor, along with other personality traits- now I'm thinking twice about it.How were you able to tame your anxiety??
Anxiety can be absolute hell... having issues with it can potentially wreak havoc on one's life. I know my life changed completely once I was able to tame my anxiety. I wish GSP the best, no matter what the issue is- and I hope he's able to solve whatever problems are ailing him and come back strong.
It's a learning process and a daily struggle, and it's unique to the individual themselves- but once you're able to solve the puzzle, you never know how you lived any other way before. I became a lot more positive as a result, and that's always a good thing.
It all depends on how bad his OCD is, there are any different forms of it and believe me it's crippling as I've had it since I was a young kid! Tablets do work but they can make you feel like shit!
It can come and go during moments of stress, mine disappeared for years and came back stronger than ever and it was a nightmare! A year off would probably do GSP the world of good, but "it" never true my goes away
And I hope he is receiving help and comes back better than ever.
VU for that call .
FETT_buchu8oolong - VU for that call .
Thanks, it's a UG first for me.