With OCD you can't "shut off" certain thoughts. Combine that with GSP's incredible focus and work ethic and you have a guy who has obsessed over a fight or fighter for over a decade nonstop. This made him great for things like training and preparation, but severely hindered his life outside the octagon. He literally gets no rest from it, thus ise mention of his inability to sleep at night.
Dude needs a serious break mentally and deserves it. It's just too bad his announcement came at a controversial time. Probably won't matter because it sounds like DFW will bully him into returning prematurely.
UFC should have their own Sports Psychology Department to help their athletes.
This is what I thought too. That or family illness.
He should learn meditation.. Serious!
I was thinking OCD also, like he can't turn off thinking about fighting and training, just compulsive imagery 24/7 till he's mentally and emotionally exhausted. His focus and dedication is admirable but he's only human. You can't spend 5.5 hours in the Octagon throughout your 20s and 30s doing nothing but train, promote, and compete, living like a monk. One hour in the Octagon is like 10 years, it's a time dilation chamber. I think the promotional/branding aspect is the real kicker, especially as the UFC grows and GSP is the most marketable figure, a national icon in Canada and arguably an int'l icon.
He's said he eats pretty much whatever he wants. Probably a lot of carbs. I would suggest he try changing his diet... some people suggest a low carb diet (perhaps even ketogenic) as a way to manage OCD...
He's given us many years of dominance in his division; it's okay for him to win/lose a close decision, IMO, so if he simply wants to vacate the title and take a vacation I think that'd be fair. Johny said he doesn't care one way or another. After GSP, I see the WW division as having a series of rotating champions like the LHW division did till Jones came along--especially if they implement random WADA style testing; so I'm sure the belt would be there for the possible taking if GSP decided to have another go at it.
I think you guys are on to something.
GSP had been quoted as saying he thinks he's OCD.
Notice during the post fight press conference when a reported asks about if he obsesses about opponents Dana quickly shuts down the question and tells him not to answer.
Also Dana saiid what his "problem is " also what makes him great.
And those who have it can't control certain thoughts, like spouting off at the mouth.
Also why Dana seems so confused he's not retiring.
Case closed?
Time will tell.
I could see OCD as a problem for GSP.
He should smoke weed. Relax. Look at things different.
When GSP speaks, I hear anxiety in his voice. I always thought a lot of it was more than likely due to his accent, but taking everything else into perspective- the perfectionist attitude, the 'OCD' factor, along with other personality traits- now I'm thinking twice about it.
Anxiety can be absolute hell... having issues with it can potentially wreak havoc on one's life. I know my life changed completely once I was able to tame my anxiety. I wish GSP the best, no matter what the issue is- and I hope he's able to solve whatever problems are ailing him and come back strong.
Probably a lot of truth to this, and if the UFC forces a rematch you'll get an even less stable GSP so the belt can be lost in a way Mentally Challenged Mr. Clean and his Mafia backers are happy with
Whatever it is, I hope he only comes back when and if he is ready.
he should try opium and acupuncture
CBT and mindfulness have helped me control my life again after anxiety completely took ot over. I thought I was losing my mind/becoming someone else. It can be hugely debilitating. Good luck GSP.
hybridfc - CBT and mindfulness have helped me control my life again after anxiety completely took ot over. I thought I was losing my mind/becoming someone else. It can be hugely debilitating. Good luck GSP.
What is CBT?
tetris -hybridfc - CBT and mindfulness have helped me control my life again after anxiety completely took ot over. I thought I was losing my mind/becoming someone else. It can be hugely debilitating. Good luck GSP.
What is CBT?
Cock Breath Trannies.
he has had a history of going to a sport psychologist didn't he?
The guy is insanely focused. I read his book and he came off completely OCD in his style.
Ryan Black - When GSP speaks, I hear anxiety in his voice. I always thought a lot of it was more than likely due to his accent, but taking everything else into perspective- the perfectionist attitude, the 'OCD' factor, along with other personality traits- now I'm thinking twice about it.How were you able to tame your anxiety??
Anxiety can be absolute hell... having issues with it can potentially wreak havoc on one's life. I know my life changed completely once I was able to tame my anxiety. I wish GSP the best, no matter what the issue is- and I hope he's able to solve whatever problems are ailing him and come back strong.

CBT is cognitive behavorial therapy. The process efffectively teaches you how to reframe certain thoughts in order to break put of thought loops which cause and which are caused bt anxiety (negative feedback loop).