I'd like to see Penn vs. Sherk

Sherk is the Shit,that guy could prob beat most of the middleweights out there.

Sign Sherk, Zuffa!

Scoop him up while he's available.

Sherk would win that. I don't see anyone beating sherk at 169. I think Hughes would find it even harder than the first time now.

Actually, it makes Matt's win look all that more impressive. I think Sean is going to steamroll whoever they give him in his next 5 matches.

Let's see it happen....

I posted this in another title, IMO I do not think guys like Penn or Charuto or Trigg want anything to do with fighting Sherk.

His game has evolved so much in the past eyar, they don't know how to fight him anymore.

You guys are funny.

"This would be the perfect fight for Sherk,his style is more controling then hughes,i think Sherk would punish Penn with Elbows from within guard."

Yet Hughes schooled him in standup, takedowns, and on the ground for the entire fight. And what did Hughes do to BJ? More importantly, for the credibility of this prediction, what was your prediction of the outcome of the Hughes/BJ fight?

"I would have to go with Sherk by decision. He may be able to knock out Penn but it will be very hard and i don't think he can sumbit Penn. But Sherk moves incredibly, way better than Penn. So he'll get the dominant position."

First, see above. Second, Sherk never got anything on Hughes (and don't count the last round when Hughes was toying with him), while Hughes never got anything on BJ. I simply don't see your logic.

John Frankl

Have you even seen the Sherk-Hughes fight?

Hughes did not school Sherk in any aspect of thier fight.I seem to remember Sherk taking Hughes down 3 times at least only to have the ref stand them up moments later.

Toying with him in the 5th round - please.

And yes i did think Hughes would beat Penn,but thats not the issue.Sherk's style is more controled then Hughes,how many times have you seen Sherk on his back?

Plain and simple if Penn did beat Sherk (i doubt it) it would be from the bottom or with a big right hand,he would not take Sherk down and keep him there the way he did Hughes.Hughes decided to grapple with BJ and use his guard and that wasnt such a good game plan.

Sherk would not make that mistake.

We need a ww gran prix hughes sherk penn triggs charuto lawler dias sudo

bj would take his back or mount him.

Da Swede is right on...

John Frankl, what fight did you watch? Your comments
are so far off base and ingnorant they deserve no
further acknowlegement.

Anyone who has watched Sherk since the Hughes fight
has seen a fighter evolve incredibly.

Sherk wins!

"Yet Hughes schooled him in standup, takedowns, and on the ground for the entire fight. And what did Hughes do to BJ? More importantly, for the credibility of this prediction, what was your prediction of the outcome of the Hughes/BJ fight?"

WTF? You obviously throw the word "schooled" around very loosely.

Penn is tough no doubt, but if Sherk fought the correct fight he could give BJ trouble. The key to beating BJ, if you can't do it on the feet, is you have to out wrestle him. Hughes mistake was he was content on playing BJJ with Penn and that was his mistake. If Hughes fought BJ the same way he fought against Charuto then I think he could have decisioned Penn.

Sometimes the strategy a fighter chooses is the most determining factor whether they win or lose.

you correct. Look at Tanner's second fight with
Baroni, had he stood tehre tor 2 toe...he'd have
gotten his head knoocked off. But he fought smart and
won. Same as Randy vs. Chuck & Tito...he fought a
smart fight and took them out of their game's.

Sherk would do the same...he's a smart fighter.

Sherk and Hughes would both beat Penn IMO.

Win or lose it would be an awesome fight and I hope it happens. Sherk really impressed me in his last few fights.

I thought BJ said he was going back to 155 lbs? Id love to see Sherk vs Penn, Would be awsome fight also rematch with Hughes.

hmmm...i was thinkin about it some more...and Sherk still wins!

let's see it.

Why does everything say that Hughes wanted toe fight from his guard, try his bjj etc against Penn? He was on his back because BJ put him there and stayed there because BJ kept him there. Hughes didn't make one huge mistake that cost him the fight, he lost because Penn was better than him.

Sherk is an amzing fighter, and one of only 2 fighters who I think could beat Penn right now (the other being Rodrigo Gracie), but whether he would is something completely different. It would be a great fight that could go either way.

so let's see it!

It would be a great fight to watch.
