If Diego loses to Joe, I'll eat my own defecation!

If Diego loses to Father Joe Stevenson on Saturday, February 21st, 2009, I will eat my own defecation!

please do anyways

With all due respect, You either have some inside information.... Or you're just plain sick lol

joe daddy by late sub or split decision, if he wins it.

but most likely diego takes it by early or mid tko.

How will you be preparing your meal? So many questions to ask but so little time? Red or White wine?

Gotta love someone who's willing to go way out on a limb. Please Youtube this.

Sad thing is he's hoping Joe wins.

 pics or it didn't happen

This thread is really gonna go bad, lol

Post video or BAN!

 I want to see this.

Cause I think you're full of shit... TO EAT!

mix it with water and stevia, you should feel great.

I think you made a safe bet... LOL

 this thread is giving me ideas for your new screen name!!

 safe bet anyways, diego takes this easy. hes taking stevia!

I'm in to watch this all go down.

I love diego but now for some reason im hoping for a 1sr rd guillotine

I don't know why by I'm getting a chubby reading this.

Man, I really hope Joe wins now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I am rooting for Joe to win and now I have even more of a reason. Although I really doubt you will eat your own pewpew, it makes for a funny sherdog-type thread.