Deadspin article is pretty interesting
Someone will die of boredom if they don't start allowing knees to the head on the ground.
ImStillHereChief - Someone will die of boredom if they don't start allowing knees to the head on the ground..

teamquestnorth -ImStillHereChief - Someone will die of boredom if they don't start allowing knees to the head on the ground..
House Boru -.If it ain't Dutch, it ain't much -teamquestnorth -ImStillHereChief - Someone will die of boredom if they don't start allowing knees to the head on the ground..

WeidmanBrokeTheLEGend -House Boru -.If it ain't Dutch, it ain't much -teamquestnorth -ImStillHereChief - Someone will die of boredom if they don't start allowing knees to the head on the ground..
ProteinBake -.WeidmanBrokeTheLEGend -House Boru -.If it ain't Dutch, it ain't much -teamquestnorth -ImStillHereChief - Someone will die of boredom if they don't start allowing knees to the head on the ground..

KOphil25 -.ProteinBake -.WeidmanBrokeTheLEGend -House Boru -.If it ain't Dutch, it ain't much -teamquestnorth -ImStillHereChief - Someone will die of boredom if they don't start allowing knees to the head on the ground..

Got Reach -.KOphil25 -.ProteinBake -.WeidmanBrokeTheLEGend -House Boru -.If it ain't Dutch, it ain't much -teamquestnorth -ImStillHereChief - Someone will die of boredom if they don't start allowing knees to the head on the ground..

HisOrHerpes -.Got Reach -.KOphil25 -.ProteinBake -.WeidmanBrokeTheLEGend -House Boru -.If it ain't Dutch, it ain't much -teamquestnorth -ImStillHereChief - Someone will die of boredom if they don't start allowing knees to the head on the ground..

Smith1234 -.IAmNotImpressedbyYourStocktonSlap -.HisOrHerpes -.Got Reach -.KOphil25 -.ProteinBake -.WeidmanBrokeTheLEGend -House Boru -.If it ain't Dutch, it ain't much -teamquestnorth -ImStillHereChief - Someone will die of boredom if they don't start allowing knees to the head on the ground..

BobSalvage -.Smith1234 -.IAmNotImpressedbyYourStocktonSlap -.HisOrHerpes -.Got Reach -.KOphil25 -.ProteinBake -.WeidmanBrokeTheLEGend -House Boru -.If it ain't Dutch, it ain't much -teamquestnorth -ImStillHereChief - Someone will die of boredom if they don't start allowing knees to the head on the ground..

ChaelsBicep -BobSalvage -.Smith1234 -.IAmNotImpressedbyYourStocktonSlap -.HisOrHerpes -.Got Reach -.KOphil25 -.ProteinBake -.WeidmanBrokeTheLEGend -House Boru -.If it ain't Dutch, it ain't much -teamquestnorth -ImStillHereChief - Someone will die of boredom if they don't start allowing knees to the head on the ground..
elliot91 -.ChaelsBicep -BobSalvage -.Smith1234 -.IAmNotImpressedbyYourStocktonSlap -.HisOrHerpes -.Got Reach -.KOphil25 -.ProteinBake -.WeidmanBrokeTheLEGend -House Boru -.If it ain't Dutch, it ain't much -teamquestnorth -ImStillHereChief - Someone will die of boredom if they don't start allowing knees to the head on the ground..

20 deaths
what else is new?
Sounds like that article was written by a fucking moron
Micha3l_Kn1ght -.Rudi -.elliot91 -.ChaelsBicep -BobSalvage -.Smith1234 -.IAmNotImpressedbyYourStocktonSlap -.HisOrHerpes -.Got Reach -.KOphil25 -.ProteinBake -.WeidmanBrokeTheLEGend -House Boru -.If it ain't Dutch, it ain't much -teamquestnorth -ImStillHereChief - Someone will die of boredom if they don't start allowing knees to the head on the ground..

ImStillHereChief - Someone will die of boredom if they don't start allowing knees to the head on the ground.
Kazp306 -.DanHendersonsDentures -.ima zombie -Micha3l_Kn1ght -.Rudi -.elliot91 -.ChaelsBicep -BobSalvage -.Smith1234 -.IAmNotImpressedbyYourStocktonSlap -.HisOrHerpes -.Got Reach -.KOphil25 -.ProteinBake -.WeidmanBrokeTheLEGend -House Boru -.If it ain't Dutch, it ain't much -teamquestnorth -ImStillHereChief - Someone will die of boredom if they don't start allowing knees to the head on the ground..