If Nate loses the rematch to Conor...

He still wins. The rubber match will be the biggest payday in UFC history. Of course Conor is the underdog, but I'm actually hoping he comes in with a killer gameplan and takes Nate out.

Lol Nate ain't getting no rematch if he loses.

Dana: Well that settled that fight. Lets give Connor a LW title fight!

If?!?! Are we still imagining things after, which by the way this is a new one for the list:


Schooled Con-nar McGregLiar!!!!!! Phone Post 3.0

BruteDion - Lol Nate ain't getting no rematch if he loses.

Dana: Well that settled that fight. Lets give Connor a LW title fight!

I disagree - Dana would be foolish to miss out on the opportunity to make that fight.

overEZ - 
BruteDion - Lol Nate ain't getting no rematch if he loses.

Dana: Well that settled that fight. Lets give Connor a LW title fight!

I disagree - Dana would be foolish to miss out on the opportunity to make that fight.

And Dana's not missing a chance to set Conor up with a title fight instead of having him face a guy he could lose too again.

BruteDion - Lol Nate ain't getting no rematch if he loses.

Dana: Well that settled that fight. Lets give Connor a LW title fight!
I agree. Or it won't be for a long time. It's ridiculous that Nate is fighting the same guy twice in a row just because Dana wasn't happy with the first outcome. Can't lose the Irish fanbase though can we, Dana?! You fucking egg. Phone Post 3.0

GaryColeman - 
BruteDion - Lol Nate ain't getting no rematch if he loses.

Dana: Well that settled that fight. Lets give Connor a LW title fight!
I agree. Or it won't be for a long time. It's ridiculous that Nate is fighting the same guy twice in a row just because Dana wasn't happy with the first outcome. Can't lose the Irish fanbase though can we, Dana?! You fucking egg. Phone Post 3.0

When Nate cashes that check, ask him if he cares?

When his career is done he will have made more with these 2 Conor fights then all his other fights combined.

overEZ - 
BruteDion - Lol Nate ain't getting no rematch if he loses.

Dana: Well that settled that fight. Lets give Connor a LW title fight!

I disagree - Dana would be foolish to miss out on the opportunity to make that fight.

If Conor wins I assume he gets GSP at MSG

BruteDion - 
overEZ - 
BruteDion - Lol Nate ain't getting no rematch if he loses.

Dana: Well that settled that fight. Lets give Connor a LW title fight!

I disagree - Dana would be foolish to miss out on the opportunity to make that fight.

And Dana's not missing a chance to set Conor up with a title fight instead of having him face a guy he could lose too again.

Conor losing to Nate twice at 170 doesn't prevent him from fighting for FW or LW titles

LiquidCobra - If?!?! Are we still imagining things after, which by the way this is a new one for the list:


Schooled Con-nar McGregLiar!!!!!! Phone Post 3.0
I'm hoping this is a joke that Ive missed, 'cause that was fucking terrible. Phone Post 3.0

GaryColeman -
BruteDion - Lol Nate ain't getting no rematch if he loses.

Dana: Well that settled that fight. Lets give Connor a LW title fight!
I agree. Or it won't be for a long time. It's ridiculous that Nate is fighting the same guy twice in a row just because Dana wasn't happy with the first outcome. Can't lose the Irish fanbase though can we, Dana?! You fucking egg. Phone Post 3.0
VU for calling DFW an egg! I actually lol'd Phone Post 3.0

If it ain't Dutch, it ain't much -
overEZ - 
BruteDion - Lol Nate ain't getting no rematch if he loses.

Dana: Well that settled that fight. Lets give Connor a LW title fight!

I disagree - Dana would be foolish to miss out on the opportunity to make that fight.

If Conor wins I assume he gets GSP at MSG
My cousin is a PA at BET who knows a DJ at WQSR who heard from a P.I. in the ATL that this fight gets made PDQ and both fighters are GTG with the financials.


YMMV. Phone Post 3.0

LOL at making this rematch at 170 and not LW.... Just so EggHead can save face if Mac loses again and say "Conor is a warrior. He moved up TWO weight classes and it didn't work out. But hey, let me shit all over my other champions if they don't follow my orders like company robots. I am bigger than the entire sport itself. I am a BoxerJazzer-sizer who is built like a fighter!" Phone Post 3.0

JeffersonDArcyChoke -
If it ain't Dutch, it ain't much -
overEZ - 
BruteDion - Lol Nate ain't getting no rematch if he loses.

Dana: Well that settled that fight. Lets give Connor a LW title fight!

I disagree - Dana would be foolish to miss out on the opportunity to make that fight.

If Conor wins I assume he gets GSP at MSG
My cousin is a PA at BET who knows a DJ at WQSR who heard from a P.I. in the ATL that this fight gets made PDQ and both fighters are GTG with the financials.


YMMV. Phone Post 3.0
. Phone Post 3.0

overEZ -
BruteDion - 
overEZ - 
BruteDion - Lol Nate ain't getting no rematch if he loses.

Dana: Well that settled that fight. Lets give Connor a LW title fight!

I disagree - Dana would be foolish to miss out on the opportunity to make that fight.

And Dana's not missing a chance to set Conor up with a title fight instead of having him face a guy he could lose too again.

Conor losing to Nate twice at 170 doesn't prevent him from fighting for FW or LW titles
It will be considered along the lines of a drunken hook up. Nah those losses don't count I was just fucking around. Phone Post 3.0

BruteDion - Lol Nate ain't getting no rematch if he loses.

Dana: Well that settled that fight. Lets give Connor a LW title fight!
It's pretty apparent that Conor does what he wants. Dana just tries to push what he wants Phone Post 3.0