If we don't see MayheM back in the UFC .....

NorthFromHere - Give him a grappler next

like who? dan miller?

I want to see Mayhem one more time in the UFC to see what happens.

Ghenghis -

I'm not American you stupid twat but good job at making assumptions. The fact of the matter is that Bisping has been hand feed the easiest fights possible to build him up and each time he has taken a step up in competition in the UFC he's had his ass handed to him. His best win is Akiyama who isn't even top 30 lol.... So yeah.. until he actually beats a top 20 ranked opponent... bottom of the barrel.

Wouldnt the guys hes beaten technically be bottom of the barrel? you dont seem too smart so I forgive you for having no grasp of basic logic.

Signed Phone Post

Ghenghis -

What, you think there is only room for Bisping at the bottom of the barrel in the UFC? And you have the audacity to question my level of intelligence? lol... All he has to do is beat a top ranked opponent... he's been giving the opportunity multiple times. I guess it's easier for Bisping fans to cloud the facts about his skill level and record with personal attacks than admit the truth.

I'm not a Bisping fan at all. But to call him bottom of the barrel is retarded. I would say hes definitely behind Anderson, Hendo, Wandy and Sonnen. An underdog against Maia, Munoz  and Belfort and pretty much in the same league as Palhares, Stann, Santiago and Marquardt, Hes already beaten Miller, Leben and Akiyama and could probably beat Belcher too. So nope, hes not bottom of the barrel, sorry.


Chris27 - 
TartanTerrorUK - 
Chris27 - So basically because he has a personality thats why he should stay?

Cause I'd bet if he was joe nobody and was 0-2 in the UFC, came in out of shape and gassed and looked like shit in a main event fight, shit forget the fact it was after a hyped TUF season and promoted, forget that, just a normal nobody who was 0-2 in the UFC, out of shape and looked like shit, I bet you wouldnt have a problem with the UFC cutting them.

Unlike dickhead fox noobs like yourself, I don't want to see any fighter, who goes out there for our entertainment, lose their job.

Fox noob? I love how everyone takes the day you joined a site as the day you started following the sport.

Cause there isnt another mma forum right? I guess I wasnt a member on that site for years, I guess not.

You didnt answer the question, if this was someone with no personality would you be crying about him losing his job?

But cause he is a personality now its like omg you cant cut him.

For me it really doesnt come down to "personality". I think he's a better fighter than what he showed and a BIG reason for that is quite possibly the year off from fighting and then his first fight bacl is Bisping. To even bring up a fight from 6 years is un-fuckin-believable! and it was fucking GSP who many consider the lb for lb best. Im not really a mayhem fan, in fact he kind of annoys me, but shit give the dude a fair chance. I think he did fine in the first round and then just had an adrenaline dump. Its really hard to believe all the shit being said and posted about the fight.

 Dana already pretty much said that he isn't sure about Mayhem fighting in the UFC again.

Ghenghis - Dana is just bully beating the correct. Bisping is bottom of the barrel when it comes to talent in the UFC MW division. If you can't hang with the pillow fisted limey, you pretty much have no place in the UFC. Sometimes the truth hurts but it is what it is.

This moron clearly knows jack shit about MMA. Phone Post

Agreed, if Dan hardy gets 100 chances mayhem should definitely get another shot. Phone Post

More food for the Cuban?


If Denis Kang got cut after losing to Bisping, Dana White will have no problem cutting Mayhem. As somebody else said it will be up to Mayhem to take the paycut or not.

We will see but.... Guessing Mayhem didn't come in on entry level $$.

tear his contract, Cungs too & make 'em fight each other for 6 & 6 if the really wanna be in the UFC.


TTT Phone Post