if weight not an issue what meals before comp?

Right now I am 158lbs and competition is Saturday. I am registered for Light (167lbs w/gi). If you had lots of room for meals and no intention of cutting down, what meals would you eat over the next three days to optimize your performance?

Stuff I normally eat:

Oatmeal and fruit with some eggs
Chicken and veggies + fruit

Muffinho - Stuff I normally eat:

Oatmeal and fruit with some eggs
Chicken and veggies + fruit

Thanks Muffinho - i was thinking about just staying the course of fruit, egg, activia w/holycrap in the mornings, salad with avocado and protein and brown rice for lunch, reasonable meal for supper, then my usual evening binge foods like chocolate covered almonds, etc...

A few guys at the gym last night were saying if they were in my position they would be eating tons of wholewheat pasta, etc... but I worry about getting weighed down, bloated, etc...

Eat some pasta, wholewheat or regular, but don't eat more than you would normally.

And make sure you check your weight everyday anyways.

Muffinho - Eat some pasta, wholewheat or regular, but don't eat more than you would normally.

And make sure you check your weight everyday anyways.


Big fucking pieces of cake IMO Phone Post

Nanners, lean meat, coconut water. The problem lots of people have is they don different stuff that their body isn't used to because they're trying to compete. If you already feel good training don't change anything.

dont change anything.. stick to your routine. keeping things as normal as possible. Im also competing at lightweight on sat and was 155 on wed. As always I just keep doing my daily gluten free, refined sugar free lifestyle. Its nice being able to grab a snack in the bullpen while others sweat it out.

Baroquen Record - Big fucking pieces of cake IMO Phone Post
and ice cream the night before Phone Post

Cici's pizza buffet. you can thank me later.