If you want a faster Shoot check out this little detail

If you want to shoot faster and more explosive, don’t do it flat-footed. In this video, I show you a little detail about the correct foot positioning that will make your Shoot instantly better.

Man… having been around a lot of high end wrestling in the past

There is a BIG difference between a BJJ shoot and a wrestling shoot


Wrestlers lead with the strong side forward


I was going to respond to the video but I’m sure every other wrestler will come on and do that.

I do want to say I will at least accept this video from a BJJ’er since he is advocating a takedown instead of butt-flopping to guard.



That’s how I always led and everyone else I knew that wrestled

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I already shoot in under a min. Don’t need to go any faster.


I am not trying to sound mean

Any helpful information is always a good thing

The mechanics of dropping straight down to the floor and then projecting yourself at the legs

It’s going to open you up to a lot of criticism

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Now, for my own ignorance and clarification Mr. Sims, is this different than what I see wrestlers do? I’ve seen Couture teach changing levels before penetrating. Is the gentleman in the video just going down too far before shooting?

It is a shot for fuck’s sake. "Shoot " is the act of taking a shot.

Anyone who calls a shot a shoot is a KKM moran!

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Also, Never listen to a bjj guy about takedowns or taking shots.

This video shows exactly why not to.

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