IFL Ad on Dr. Phil CBS channel 4

surprisingly saw an IFL fights advertisement on Dr. Phil show last night, which is a major regular Tv station, channel 4 CBS here in the SF bay area.

It said coming on MYNETWORK , which I had heard but didnt know what MYNETWORK was, I thought it was an obscure cable channel. Wheras its apparently CBS channell 4.


IFL is not stupid, tehy are likely using the team concept as a way to build certain fighters , a brand, and a stable of fighters to utilize later when they eventually switch to a non team format and do marquee matchups.

So for all who were wondering what the heck MYNETWORK is, ITS A MAJOR FREE tv STATION.


i saw an ad while watching bernie mac on my9 here in new york

Yes, it's smart to advertise on MyNetwork as it's a major network & they are coming soon.


It is a big mistake to waste the advertising money on during the Dr. Phil show.  It's the completly WRONG demographic to try and reach! 

It sounds like it could be a schedulers fault (i.e. IFL purchased "primetime" advertising & the scheduler put it on Dr. Phil due to the show's high ratings...)

If I were IFL, I'd get a discount on that spot or negotiate for some "make up" advertising on a show that hits the right demographic.  Dr. Phil fans are pretty much the polar opposite of the target market for MMA.

ifl is getting a lot of push by the mainstream media but until they actually get ppl going to the events and ppl watching on tv they will see there stock continue to go down

^^ that shit was mad funny.

Great fights last night on tv.

Robins a big IFL fan ! Shes writing another book on her experiences in MMA.

saw an IFL ad while watching fox 5 news (nyc) the other night. then saw
another one yesterday afternoon on cbs.

fightsfan, mynetwork is not cbs, it is a different channel. they just seem
to be advertising the IFL on all networks. oh, and why were you watching
dr. phil?

Dumbasses at IFL. The Dr. Phil show is the prime target audience for MMA! Fire that Ad Agency.
Go Tiger Claws!

It is a big mistake to waste the advertising money on during the Dr. Phil show. It's the completly WRONG demographic to try and reach!

It sounds like it could be a schedulers fault (i.e. IFL purchased "primetime" advertising & the scheduler put it on Dr. Phil due to the show's high ratings...)

Not so fast guys. Dont forget these guys have elite PR guys and successfull history marketing.

they advertise on that chanell because the IFL will be shown on that channel in the near future.

Probably many fans will see the ads on that show if they are like me and their spousal unit watches Dr. Phil. And as far as demographics, I was affected by the ad and I'm in the 35 - 45 demographic with income over $150,000 yr, so I would imagine they would like to get the attention of buyers like myself.

"IFL is not stupid, tehy are likely using the team concept as a way to build certain fighters , a brand, and a stable of fighters to utilize later when they eventually switch to a non team format and do marquee matchups."

They have never stated this to be the plan.