IFL annouces their fighters!

You people are completely fucking retarded.

This is so good I can hardly stand it.

There's some good fighters interspersed in there, I wouldn't write it off - depending how they match people up it could be interesting. I'm curious to see who's on the other teams they haven't announced yet. I'm also curious what Urijah's gonna fill his pockets with to make 155lbs.

cool. Props to Amir for getting on the salaried fight team!!

Finally the shit talking will stop.

Do they have alternates? I could see injuries really screwing this team concept up...fighters are always getting medically suspended...how do they expect them to compete every six weeks?

I'm 90% sure they will have alternates.

I see the SILVER BACKS taking the whole think, but why shouldnt I say that...


Salaverry was dope MAKO--

He was involved in one lackluster fight--but as the saying goes, it takes two to tango.

What happened to Joe Jordan? I thought he was one of the fighters?

Mako, is thier anything about MMA that you like?

There are a handful of decent fighters but, of course, who are the alternates that will be filling in when the inevitable injuries and suspensions occur?

What are the salaries relative to the coaches's pay?

I have yet to encounter anyone who is truly enthusiastic about this team concept, especially given the basis of THESE teams. But I guess we will see how receptive the market ends of being (not to mention their watered down rules...). Would be cool if the coaches fought, but that's obviously not happening.

Joe is an alternate to Bart. Mace, I was pretty close huh.

"Would be cool if the coaches fought, but that's obviously not happening."

I bet the coaches will fight at some point.

I am really looking forward to this. The fighters listed all have potential and could all be future stars. The team aspect is kind of gimmicky, but at the end of the day, it means more MMA, and that is always a good thing.


Whre is the event being held and when?

go bartimus!

end of month in AC

I believe in Trump Taj Atlanic City, NJ on April 29th.

salavary has awsome music he walks out to also

Is it on tv?