IFL annouces their fighters!

Pat Miletich, Coach

LW: Bart Palaszewski
WW: Rory Markham
MW: Ryan McGivern
LHW: Travis Wiuff
HW: Ben Rothwell


Bas Rutten, Coach

LW: Urijah Faber
WW: Mike Pyle
MW: Amir Rahnavardi
LHW: Alex Schoenauer
HW: Krzysztof Soszynski


Renzo Gracie, Coach

LW: Eric Owens
WW: Gustavo Machado
MW: Fabio Leopoldo
LHW: Jamal Patterson
HW: Carlos Kline


Maurice Smith, Coach

LW: Chanti Johnson
WW: Eric Dahalberg
MW: Dennis Hallman
LHW: Ivan Salaverry
HW: Devin Cole

Source: www.ifl.tv


Good to see Ivan Salaverry on the list.  A big fuck you to Zuffa with Alex Schoenauer on Bas's team.

I guess that means that Rory Markham is not on TUF 3, as was previously rumored.

Bas's team looks very strong in the lighter weights.

looks ok faber is the one im only really interested in seeing

Thanks for the info!

tix are expensive

Wiuff, Markham, Salivarry, Hallman---

Pretty good names for an upstart--- should be exciting to see how this shakes out

Salavarry is fighting at 205?

Don't see Faber and Pyle losing.

Any info on whether or not this will be on PPV or any other sort of TV deal?

I can see Ivan fighting at 205. These guys are going to fight supposidly every 6 weeks so they're probably not looking to cut a whole lot of weight.

No, Chuck Norris is doing the kickboxing thing, this is MMA (same kind of concept though).

Mo's 3 middle weights are all wicked sub guys & with Mo coaching boxing, their standup will be good to go.

So is that all the teams? How is this supposed to work exactly with only four guys in each weight class?

When does this thing go down? How good Faber does depends on how well he does against Cole in WEC.

Is every fighter that we see here banned forever from the UFC? That would be too bad.

I hope so, 'cause otherwise this seems really overblown.

Is Bartimus no longer training with Jeff Curran?

Wow... this thing is gonna bomb. When I first heard of the IFL I thought it was a great idea. Too bad they don't have the funds to make this thing a success.